I haven't been on here very long at all but it seems that members are
leaving the community on a regular basis
Why are people retiring from the forum?
Its just some like to make dramatic exits,
on a lighter note though, personally i think its prity poor form to blame someone else and admittedly im not sure what triggered the knickers to knot, but the going about it leaves a lot to be desired.
if you going to take a break or leave, i dont really think its somthing that you need to song and dance about, and so help me if this turns into a 5 page wa.... wa and 3rd person absent person discusions im going to puke......
the door is always open for anyone to come and go, but the runaway kid thing i feel is getting old, im too old to chase you down the street. So if it gets cold and lonely out there, in the big bad world with all those red riders, please come back and play with us.
if not thanks for taking the time to post.
then again if hes not here why am i bothing to post this ?
its that stupid 3rd person absent thing again.
OK make it easy.... cya