Author Topic: CR500’s are King  (Read 7585 times)

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Offline VMX247

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Re: CR500’s are King
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2009, 09:16:20 pm »
At that Rockley Endruo I spent ¾ of that false start lap dicing with a rider on a IT490 & while waiting for the other riders to come in for the re-start you came up an said what a shit hot time we had swapping positions. Was that you? Shocked,
Trying to think on that one,! remember being piss at having to start again..

Some of the pic I've posted up just came out wrong. :-\
Here is one of you,Steven and Mr Sheppard Capricorn Roadhouse owner (his son is in our local mx club) at the Newman 2 day presentations.April 87
Best is in the West !!

Power Stand

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Re: CR500’s are King
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2009, 12:47:40 am »
At that Rockley Endruo I spent ¾ of that false start lap dicing with a rider on a IT490 & while waiting for the other riders to come in for the re-start you came up an said what a shit hot time we had swapping positions. Was that you? Shocked,
Trying to think on that one,! remember being piss at having to start again..

Some of the pic I've posted up just came out wrong. :-\
Here is one of you,Steven and Mr Sheppard Capricorn Roadhouse owner (his son is in our local mx club) at the Newman 2 day presentations.April 87

OK, I am a bit confused, are Alison & Steve sharing the same logon? Or the same person, nothing wrong with that  :o ::) ;D

Yes, I recognise Steve and I am sure it was you on that first lap. At one point during that lap, we stopped and I think you asked if I knew the way.

It wasn’t club rules but we never pre-rode a track, so I was as lost as anyone at a home event. Honor amongst men.

I agree, I was pissed at the restart as well, Frank Turner (one of the fastest aboriginal dirt bike rider I ever knew) from Port Headland and a few others got the lead on that lap and missed the turn tapes and did a 10km loop, forcing the restart. I think Mick felt obliged to re-start  due these guys had travelled from Port Headland.

I had called it quits due to the heat and a front flat tyre that I fought in on the last 10km but my mates pulled my front wheel off, fixed my flat and talked me into starting again. If it wasn’t for them I probably wouldn’t have pulled that race.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 01:01:10 am by Power Stand »

Power Stand

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Re: CR500’s are King
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2009, 01:18:00 am »
Yes they where the overall times the 1st overall place went to  B Hienrich on a Suzuki 250 218.43.

fastest time day 1
I Ruby 111.00
M Nickels(I'm sure he busted his shoulder hitting a cow on his roadbike at some stage) 111.30
B Heinrich 115.10

fastest Day two
B Heinrich 103.33
P Burrell 104.00
M Brennan 110.30(Still in PHedland)

The reason I asked before if those out right times were correct was I was wanting to post a protest 21 years too late. Hehehe. :)
Yes, I was first over the line on day two but second out right for the two days, first in my class.

Mick Brennan I remember and was a outstanding rider. When I post day 2, I will lead a little on him because of what happened. I think he was riding a stock DR400.
Mick Brennan was also a top bloke.

Mick Nickels bike sized on day two.

As I remember, B Heinrich was riding a KX250 with long range tanks and tall gearing, obviously a good rider a deserved the win.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 02:37:20 am by Power Stand »

Offline VMX247

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Re: CR500’s are King
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2009, 11:59:01 am »
Yes we do share log in on occasion. Normally this is Alison's domain & occasionally she lets me reply to a post. Yours was an exceptional flash back so fought her off for a place on the keyboard. She posted that last pic of the presentations and has said to stop confusion will refrain ::) (or at least sign her name)
You are right about all those names mentioned - all exceptional riders. I wonder sometimes if, given the chance, how they would have fared down in the big smoke.
I'm sure Bronte was on a RM250 - he went off to be a helicopter pilot, chasing bulls in the NT.
Mick was on a DR600. and yes as stock as they come. How he held onto it I have no idea. Mick went over east for a few years and is now back in Hedland. I grew up and went to school with Mick. He never used to have a bike when we were younger. But as he hung out with us we let him ride our bikes. I remember a notable day, I had an RM100 and let him have a ride. He come flying along this bush track, hit an anthill and went flying. Knocked himself out, split the helmet like a water melon, and totaled the front of the RM.
That was the first of many days over the years that I took him back to his mum, either half unconscious or broken in some other way. How he ever become so fast I have no idea. He certainly couldn't ride as a kid. ???
We left the Newam in 88 (were I met up with Alison) went to Kalgoorlie for 12 years and have been here in the Sth west for 8 years enjoying the cooler climes. As you may have guessed, into the VMX side of things with the WA VMX club. Ride an XL350 bored to 420, lightened etc. Re Building this TM250 which I started with. Will get to the CR125's oone day and putting together a TM75 for a pit bike.
Still involved with the modern bikes as boy child has an RMZ250. My "modern" ride is a 90 model CR250. (which i rode in Kal)

I never did real well on the 490. I could go fast but it wore me down too quick and I would usually end up on my arse. The Newman club had bike a raffle in 87 a KLR250. I won the raffle and after completing the customary burn out for the boys, sold it and brought a KX250. Finally a bike that I could hold onto for longer than hour.

Good to catch up about past victories and events.
Steven  8)

Best is in the West !!

Power Stand

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Re: CR500’s are King
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2009, 01:01:29 am »
Steve & Alison, it’s great to chat on old times and happy memories. :) :) :) I agree and wonder how our North West riders would have matched up to the rest of the world. I think our racing format defiantly was brave where our club races were always three-hour races or more. Track was marked out with mine surveyors tape hanging in a bush, you needed to line up two of them for a straight line and no less than a 10km loop; drag a stick in the dirt to mark the start/ finish line. All you needed to do was turn up with ya bike two Gerry cans of fuel and bullsh..t stops when the flag dropped and the first home was the winner. High speed, dust and ambient temperatures made racing a hard day’s fun. :)

Funny you mentioned the goldfields, I also went there in late 1990, didn’t race bikes, just worked 12-18 hour days without many breaks, hated the place because of it. I spent about 4 years that way. I am also south, well Perth and softened to the heat since I left the Pilbara.

Good to see you two are into & still riding bikes and getting amongst the classic bikes and a soft spot for me as well. Do you know of any other North West riders still in action and don’t tell me Pat Crombie still circulating. ;D wouldnt be supprised if he was. :)

The VMX seen is going off but that means another bike and I’m attached to my bike. Being an 1986, I am just outside EVO dates. I have contacted them and they didn’t care as long as you rode a bike. That’s cool. The only thing is they run at modern MX tracks and natural terrain is what I would rather do. Tumble Gum farm will be a go next year, 40+ age group is full this year plus the bikes not ready yet

Do you know of any other events in the west where a CR500 is welcome to blast up the turf and just go for a ride?

And yes I am really enjoying our discussion too.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 01:06:47 am by Power Stand »

Offline VMX247

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Re: CR500’s are King
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2009, 03:24:38 pm »
I dont know of any events running natural terrain per say. The Collie Club (Im the Sec) is looking at having a one over at Darkan this year, as an intro for some of the families over there. Its still in the pipeline and may not even happen. I will let you know if it does.

After I left Newman I never really kept up with many of the guys. Old Pat - I think went and lived in Bali or some similar location. Have never heard of any of the Crombies again. Graeme Squires that used to be in Port Hedland (had the bike shop) is now in Mandurah. Greg Herbert is also back in Port Hedland & I think his brother Steven (rode speedway) is over east.

The WA VMX scene is pretty good. I enjoy it mainly because of the format and the different tracks. Get a god mix of natural terrain and MX tracks. For the past few years I have been passenger for my brother on an 850 Norton Wasp MX sidecar. Being passenger takes it out of me (Im 46 and all the other passengers are just starting to shave  ::) ) so I haven't ridden as much. Bro's son recons hes going to have a go this year, so hopefully Ill get back to the bikes ; D.

Keep an eye on the WAVMX calander and maybe come over to one of the events. You may even find you could fit one of the old bangers in the shed. - at least you be able to get a ride.

Cheers for now
Best is in the West !!

Power Stand

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Re: CR500’s are King
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2009, 12:25:47 am »
Steve, yes please drop a line if you recon something suitable pops up & maybe that roll round on a VMX event may happen. Lord helping I may pick up something more suitable. My brother is in to Vintage Trials and found a TM400 but the guy wouldnt part.  A work mate said I could have a PE400, which I would dearly love but it’s in Tassie. I do need to finish the CR first, and then I will diversify.

Sidecar swing, now that’s wicked. Something that’s lost in modern MX, I suppose if its not doing a back flip, its par-say. Mind you, Crusties haven’t done that yet?

Alison, I recognise some of the names and I am always impressed when people do the card thing, I’m a shocker, typical bloke forget anniversaries and my own birthday but I remember my bosses or she will make life hard and say a lot of loud, flinching words at me again. ;D

Do you ride?

If you guys want to PM check my profile.
Cheers :)