Geez you blokes ask a lot of hard questions
I don't know what pilot jet I am running - how do I tell ?
Airbox and airbox manifold is clear - filter element is new unipart oiled not too much
The spark was good and fat (the sun had gone down) and blue, all other times have been in the daylight when maybe I couldn't see it as well. The core of the plug was dry, but there was an oily residue on the outside part. It will jump start now quite easily with the choke out (without cleaning the plug in between).
It does blow a tiny bit of darker smoke, then white smoke when it first starts up then clears very quickly. I'm with you boney, I'm pretty sure I don't have a fuel obstruction, but the way I'm going I'm not too sure of anything any more
. I did just get my first set of reading glasses (old age is setting in), so going blind could be a possibility
Oil to fuel is 20:1 (fuel to oil), but I will change that now that it has run for a bit with the richer mixture after being put back together.
I didn't try the coil lead
but will this weekend. I tried the one of the 250 and I'm pretty sure it doesn't screw out. I didn't want to get too ham fisted with it for fear of buggering it. The cap that goes on the plug on the 125 does screw out, but seems to have a pretty good connection with the copper inner on the lead. Exhaust seems to flow out pretty well and makes a hell of a racket, but there is an oily residue sort of dripping out. It did rev out very well, but doesn't now. My patience is running out fast, so i might buy a new coil just to rule that out - where would I get one ? If I can't get this bloody thing sorted soon my startegy will be to start replacing bits with new ones (at the cost of my other restos :'().
My other thought was burn it and buy a Honda