Can anyone help me out with some stuff to do with TS-ER speedos ( square ones)
Has any one got an original TS 185 ER speedo in Nippon Denso brand (ND) 0-140KM’s and can you tell me what white writing you can see on the back/underneath? Can you tell me what rev = KM? I have a NOS speedo but I want to be 100 % sure what it is and if it’s the same as my original which I cant read the numbers underneath well to know if its the right ratio.
Also I’m looking to
buy ( not expecting freebies) a pretty good tacho for an early TS 185 ER, also in ND brand. It must be 0-10,000 RPM with the redline marked at 8-10,000. it also says underneath
R = 1:4 and there’s a number which reads 057200-7650. My needle has broken off so many times and I’ve repaired it so many times but the casing has finally broken where the internals attach. Has anyone got one they can sell me?
might also be an option if i can get a good case i can fit my working internals with another needle into a better case.
Im also looking for a square tacho for a TS250ER. Not sure if the one I have is original 250 but this one I got is Nippon Seiki brand, 0-9000RPM with redline 7-9,000 RPM
the tachos dont need to be perfect condition but as long as they work and dont look too bad that should be ok.
i thought there may of been some on ebay but i couldnt find any yet
thanks for any help
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