I'm looking to get a GMC pipe made for the 250H. Unfortunately he can't do it without the bike. Problem...bike in Cairns - GMC in Melbourne - over $1500 for transport there and back. A long shot I know and a big ask, but has anyone got a G/H to model a pipe on that they would be prepared to lend for a while ?
There are plenty of kind souls on here (and I try to be one of them) but by the time you add the "close to GMC" and "250G/H" parts there ain't too many folks left. Hey I have to try. After all everyone from here on in with a G/H has the potential to benefit.
I will pay petrol for someone to drop their bike there, plus a carton of beer for the trouble.
I would prefer to keep my money in Australia if possible and if GMC can provide something I'd like to give him a go.
Not holding out much hope, but you never know. If no luck here it will have to come from US :'( :'(