Author Topic: Second A3VE back on track in 2021!  (Read 4019 times)

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Second A3VE back on track in 2021!
« on: February 21, 2021, 02:04:50 pm »
Media release:

Following the success of the first Australian Three-Day Vintage Enduro (A3VE) in 2019, the Vintage Enduro Riders Inc (VERi) are excited to announce the second running of the event will go ahead in 2021 (after being postponed in 2020).

The dates to mark down on your calendar for the 2021 A3VE are 6 – 9 May. The event returns to the Wombat State Forest around Blackwood, located 50 kilometres west of Melbourne in Victoria.

Around one hundred entrants took part in the first A3VE, and VERi is expecting even more eager riders will take up the challenge this year. Competitors will race for glory on the same tracks used in the first edition, but with some exciting new trails and special tests added for this year's event.

There are competitive classes for bikes from early pioneer days to pre-1988, riders under 40 years old, and women riders.

A non-competitive Rally class is also available for anyone wanting to get the time-card enduro experience without the pressure of timed special tests.

"Having to postpone the A3VE due to the Coronavirus last year was disappointing," according to VERi club secretary, Peter Drakeford.

"So, we're very excited to see the high level of interest for the rescheduled event. There's been a flood of enquiries, including a huge amount of interest from interstate riders. Many new converts to the sport are preparing bikes just for this event too.

The variety of interesting and challenging terrain makes this an unmissable event, and as Peter Drakeford points out, "We were really well received and welcomed by the local community in 2019, and we can't wait to get back to Blackwood again.

Entries are now open, go to the VERi website for details.

COVID-19 and the A3VE
  • VERi will liaise with Motorcycling Australia to ensure that the 2021 A3VE is conducted as safely as possible.
  • A COVID-Safe officer, David White, has been appointed for the event.
  • State and national government COVID-19 guidelines and regulations will be followed at all times
  • Any entrants that are unable to attend due to COVID-19 issues will receive a full refund of their entry fee.