There are more disatisfied than happy Vintage Iron customers these days. The number of non recieved orders, wrong items sent and lack of customer service complaints are growing daily. Mention the name Rick Doughty in USA vintage circles and you usually get a scowl, a headshake and then a twenty minute discourse on what a wanker he is.
Rick used to be a good friend of mine but is no longer on my Xmas card list. It's a complicated situation as to why our friendship broke down and I won't discuss it here but it's a shame he's the way he is. He has a genuine love of old bikes, is a great restorer and has done a lot of good for vintage racing in the early days. Sadly his business and people skills have slipped to rock bottom and are in need of a bit of a makeover. As I said earlier...."be vewwy vewwy careful"