Author Topic: Pre 90 for VERi  (Read 39968 times)

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Pre 90 for VERi
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:24:36 pm »
Open letter to VERi members
Harrow is looming up quickly and so too is our Annual General Meeting and no doubt the Pre 90 debate will once again surface.
I have heard all manner of reasons as to why or why not we should or shouldn’t have Pre 90.
Reasons for often mention bringing in more members, easier bikes to ride, etc.
Reasons against often mention they will cut the track up more, they might go too fast, they’re too much like a modern etc.

But I believe the real reason we should bring in Pre 90 is that the main aim of our club is to celebrate old bikes and old times from days long gone.

People choose the models they own/ride for various reasons;
Some choose the model they always wanted
Some choose the model they used to own
Some like exotic models
Some like low maintenance type models
And while some will just choose the cheapest bike available at the time I believe for the most part people choose a brand/model because it means something to them

I was racing Enduro’s in the late 80’s while I was in my late 20’s so anyone riding in the late 80’s while in their teens would now be in their late 40’s, not exactly your ‘young gun’ that is going to shred their way around the loop.
Pre 90 models aren’t exactly your modern bike either, while it’s true that some 89 models did reach a technological point where they didn’t change for quite a few years but this era also includes models like the last of the Maico’s, a now defunct brand, the last of the Swedish built Husqvarna, the last of the aircooled KDX etc
Even the more advanced pre 90 models don’t have any real place in a modern event and without a pre 90 Vinduro class are just lost souls.
True a top rider can go quite fast on one but no one would seriously race one in a serious modern event and hope to do well all day long. And they would probably go just as fast on an 84 model

What will it change, not a lot I believe. There will be a greater diversity of models but not everyone will suddenly go out and buy an 89 model, just like not everybody has bought an 84 model as people are attached to the model that means something to them.
It will bring in a few more members that just want to enjoy some old school fun, most likely on trailbikes like XR’s & TT’s but also some cool old KTM’s and the like.

Pre 90 is mostly accepted everywhere else in the vintage world, CD, Bonanza, National titles etc. I believe it’s time we accepted it too.
Vote for what you believe in but please think it through.

Geoff Morris #30
G.M.C.  Bringing the past into the future

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Offline mboddy

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2017, 11:33:32 pm »
Two other options that could be considered:
1. Adopt the same format as VTR in NSW.
2. Adopt the FIM rules   
Vinduro Penrite Team
1980 Yamaha IT125G, 1979 Yamaha IT175F, 1984 Yamaha IT200L, 1977 Yamaha IT250D and IT400D

Offline bigk

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2017, 07:07:07 am »
If it is going to be pre'90 it must be true pre'90, not the modified pre'90 class rules as in some other states, ie: pre'90 but no rear disc brakes or inverted forks. What is the point of a class with these type of caveats? Those rules still leave some really nice vinduro bikes out in the cold without undergoing serious (relatively expensive) modifications, some as early as 1987. If it's to come in keep it simple, pre'90, up to & including 1989 models. Just my two cents worth.

Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2017, 09:19:10 am »
im with K, pre 90 as per pre 85 was, inclusive of all models regardless of design.
its time as there are a heap of punters with later model 85 - 88 a/c cooled dx's that would love to ride the vinduro's
it will bring in a small increase in numbers and keep the coffers at a respectable level.
id vote yes but im not a VERI member :(

Offline brucey

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2017, 09:30:31 am »
I agree with both GMC and Big K

Lets not forget that 30 years old now is 1987 bikes still legal as red plate but cant be used on a Veri event ?

Bruce  #168 

Offline kdx Geoff

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2017, 10:01:46 am »
id vote yes but im not a VERI member :(

$50 and you're in  8)

Lets not forget that 30 years old now is 1987 bikes still legal as red plate but cant be used on a Veri event ?

Bruce  #168 

Perhaps a rolling 30 year age in line with red plate eligibility might be an option if the club needs to move from pre '85.

Geoff #063

Edit: Club permits are for vehicles over 25 years old, not 30.
(•Classic and Historic vehicles - manufactured after 31 December 1930, but more than 25 years before the date of the application for a club permit)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 01:08:23 pm by kdx Geoff »
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Offline mboddy

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2017, 10:09:28 am »
... keep it simple ...

Both the VTR and FIM rules are designed to keep it simple for the Event Organisers and minimise hassle.
That is why they don't just pick an arbitrary date and then have all the issues and arguments that have been seen in the past.
VTR rules are the simplest. FIM is pre-88 with technology exclusions.
Both allow 1987 bikes like the TT350.
Vinduro Penrite Team
1980 Yamaha IT125G, 1979 Yamaha IT175F, 1984 Yamaha IT200L, 1977 Yamaha IT250D and IT400D

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2017, 10:33:37 am »
The RED PLATE alignment would be good -

1st - it simplifies the rego and if I understand the "rules" gives brilliant insurance so long as it's not a "race". (but someone may correct me on that)

2nd - it permanently "fixes" the eligibility question.

Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2017, 11:13:40 am »
red plate for a lot of guys is out of the question and that's why VERI accept rec reg and UVP in conjunction with VICROADS so using red plate eligibility is out.
The impact of technology (upside down forks etc) is completely irrelevant as none of these events are a race. its blokes riding their old bikes. as the time passes, the old bike age limit should rise as a lot of pre 75 riders are now getting past riding so their numbers can drop off unless family hand me downs occur. additionally a lot of pre 90 owners are out of competing and just want a ride to get the old girl out for a spin. we should cater for that. seems really simple to me and VERI should put up a resolution to accept pre 90 bikes at the meeting.

Offline oz555ktm

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2017, 04:19:15 pm »
Yes I was a member until the 30th of last month will renew at Harrow ...

This is Just for you to Think about ..Only ...

 #  To Ride the Latest Bike you can ..


#  To Preserve  Era of Bikes and to Be apart of a Time as a Rider and remember that Time ...

Veri Need to ask its Members  what Does  Veri  Stand for.... What does  Veri want to Do a Club ..and Stick to it  or Not ...
and to just Copy what other Clubs are Doing is Not a Answer  ...
Other Club may  have writing in to its Rules to stick to something  because they wants too ...

And  Yes  I will ostane from the Vote at the AGM  on this as I have a Conflict of Interest
like I have Befor

And I hope this Dose Not turn to Shit as its Dose On the MX side of this Forum ....I think the Old Enduro Blokes are Different .. 

Dennis M  Veri Member 233


« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 10:18:25 pm by oz555ktm »
And Please forgive me as I cant Spell for Shit ...
And I have very Bad Gramer ...too I been told ......

Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2017, 05:53:18 pm »
I don't think it will "turn to poo" as there is a vote, everyone votes, the results are adhered to. I don't think a busload of pre 90 agitators will show up.. ;D they wouldn't make it past the pub....

Offline micko

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2017, 06:59:22 pm »
On the MX side of thinks. You may of heard it before, we at Classic MXWA run up to Pre 95. No one seems to care, they just want a ride. Groups are Pre75 - Pre80 - Pre85 & Pre95 we also have vets on modern bikes and jnrs on moderns as long as dad is a riding member. Membership has increased as a result. We encourage VMXWA (pre75) members to come ride also, no one whines that the track is too rough to ride, they actually love the lay out.
So I can ride my 74 yz in pre75 and my 76 RM in pre80, sometimes I even sneek into Pre85 to give them the shits haha, track don't get that chopped up and if it does I just ride the kerbs lol   
After all, were all there for the same reason - to have fun riding our bikes.
Just my 2 cent worth 
« Last Edit: July 04, 2017, 07:01:45 pm by micko »
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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2017, 07:19:38 pm »
Lots of intelligent discussion here (as usual) regarding this issue.

I'm not a VERi member, so I have no vote.

I ride a '79 PE 250.  I will always ride a '79 PE 250.  I have no intention of 'up-grading' my ride, and I don't mind the concept of mixing it with 'modern' bikes.  They may (or may not) be faster than me, but I'm not racing, so who cares?

Offline 80-85 husky

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2017, 07:09:50 am »
but I'm not racing, so who cares?

that's it in a nutshell, well put Serge

Offline mboddy

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Re: Pre 90 for VERi
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2017, 09:49:51 am »
... but I'm not racing, so who cares?
The popularity of VTR events is bringing so many people into Vinduro that it is quite likely that there will be he numbers to support some competitive events.
It would be good if you only needed the one bike to do both VTR and competitive events.
With the success of Australia's ISDE Teams over the years it is likely that Australia will host the ISDE in the future.
They currently run FIM Classic classes up to Classic 1982 and EVO class up to 1987.
Anyone wishing to enter the ISDE would be advised to set their bikes up to the FIM specifications.
Both my Yamaha IT125G and IT175F are setup to conform with FIM Classic 1982 specifications.
I will be building my IT200 to FIM EVO Class 1987 specifications.

FIM considers that Pre-88 is the best cutoff date for Vinduro. Do we want Vinduro or just old bikes?
Vinduro Penrite Team
1980 Yamaha IT125G, 1979 Yamaha IT175F, 1984 Yamaha IT200L, 1977 Yamaha IT250D and IT400D