Got some freight in today . This are the standard charges for any size shipment ( exl. freight and exl GST ) .Just as a sample , to show the impact .
Customs import declaration Fee $83
Handling Fee $48
Import Doc Disbursment $86
EDI Fee (ICS) $15
CMR Complience Fee $25
Import Terminal Fee $85
Agency Airfreight Entry $125
Postage and Petties $6
Actual airfreight of $20 per kg will now go on top (the same charges apply if you enter5kg or 1000 kg) and when we have the subtotal it will be added to the value of the goods and 10% on that amount is also payable . They have to abolish this one sided treatment or make everybody pay the same . One or the other . As it is,many operators are suffering or will hit the wall sooner or later if they dont do anything about it .