Plan - build a Classic Dirt Track bike for the ACT longtrack Masters June 26 2016 held by ACTMCC.
Picked up a 1984 495 from oz555ktm - Bones were all there just needed some TLC and Piecing back together.

Frame was powdercoated original KTM Orange, had new repro plastics but tank was pretty shabby and badges were missing

Sent the tank off to Second Chance Plastic Revival in Goulburn - Shane did a great job on polishing up the tank. I polish a LOT of aluminium/metal but plastic I haven't had the best success. I picked up some badges off Ebay in the US to complete the look.
Mick at VMX Re-Creations tool care of the seat and I gave the triples and swingarm a polish while I was waiting on parts.

Motor was shipped off to LBR for a tear down and inspection, and fix a few known issues with this model. The motor was in great condition and needed very little work. These guys are awesome and really know these KTMs inside and out.
Brad gave the Ports a bit of a touch up and Darryl set to making a pipe to suit.
The 84 lo-comp head is a pretty pooor design so it was sent off to TSP to be rehaped and squish set.
Dave Mac (Vapourblasting) gave the Wheels and hubs a clean up

It all got thrown together pretty quickly for a run at the first Dirt track meeting of 2016 at Canberra. Totally untested we wern't doing to bad for a first hit out - Suspension and tuning needed more work and then a bit of bad luck put us out of the meeting.
While I was recuperating - Ringmaster images created some period correct graphics and the trick looking LBR pipe arrived. Mountain Race Shop sorted the suspension with a much stiffer rear spring and still chasing some stiffer fork springs.

Final product - I am stoked with how it has finished up and keen to get it back on the track. Thanks to everyone who helped out. I am sure I probably forgot to mention somone, but if I did not on purpose.