Forum Help > System problems?
Can't post in thread
I've typed a number of responses in another thread (my own) but the post doesn't appear, any thoughts?
You may be blocked ???
Must be blocked from my own thread, lol. Others can post no problems. Oh well, that's life. What does it mean when the page icon next to the category is blank? Maybe that has something to do with it.
Mick D:
Yes, I am have trouble and spasmodic results ATM too.
Sometimes click on "post" only to see the whole lot disappear.
I can't help wondering sometimes if a part of the NBN path to this sites server is "glitchy"
My 4G Telstra Mobile can get through to this site, but my home land NBN connection has been a nightmare.
And an absolute nightmare trying to understand and deal with the call center
Mick D:
They said there may be "minor disruptions" when the NBN came through ::)
One of my complete outages lasted from the 28th October to the 18th November.
An aggregate of ONE MONTHS OUTAGE for me when the "fiber to the pillar" was being laid in my suburb.
Then took another 5 days without service while the NBN connection to my home was sorted.
Then another few days to the dreaded call center to get the gooks to comprehend, that you
haven't got my order contract right ::)
Most of the time it is not much quicker than the old ADSL+2 speed.
But there are other times when it is like riding lightning.
This just happened when I tried to post this reply, happens a lot.
Never happened, until I got NBN, or NBN divided by 2.
So now I "copy" my post and save it before I click "post" just in case it disappears ::) which is happening quite often now.
Not my computers, because it happens on both of them and never did until I got connected to the NBN.
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