Hi everyone. Well we are now less than a month away from Classic Dirt 11. And it seems like a little bit of Aussie Apathy has set in - rider registrations are somewhat disappointing.
So the time has come to let everyone know that trying to register to ride at the event (if we allow it) will cost significantly more that pre-registering. The reason for this is that registering to ride on the day is significantly more time consuming for the organizing club. And heavens knows that they already have plenty to do!
So here's the deal. Pre-registering to ride for the Weekend is $40. Registering at the event for weekend riding will cost $60. Pre-registering for a single day's riding is $30. Registering at the event for a single days riding will be $50.
So the time to pre-register is NOW! It's also very easy to do. Just click on the link below.
http://vmxmagshop.com.au/store/products/category/classic-dirt-11/Be aware that the riding fee does NOT include entry to the event itself or MA license fees and levies. Those costs will be paid at the event separately.