Forum Help > System problems?

e-mails not being forwarded

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I can read my PM's on here OK when I log in but they don't come through in my e-mails anymore in the last couple of months.
I believe I may not be the only one.

naa its just you geoff ;D

 Mine work fine, i have them going to my hotmail address and view them on the phone as well.

Graeme M:
Geoff, check that your email address is correct and that you have notifications enabled. It is certainly working for me and should for you too.

Click the 'Profile' link at the top, then select the Modify Profile option. First, check Account Settings to update your email address if necessary. Then, choose Personal Messaging from under the Modify profile and make sure that you have the Notify by email option set to "Always".

Let me know how that goes. If that is all good, then check your spam filter on your email program.

Graeme M

Yes e-mail is correct as it hasn't changed in decades
All was working fine in early Dec but by late Dec they stopped coming through.
Don't have a spam filter as my current ISP wanted to charge me for it and I was too tight to pay for it.

sent a test email


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