Author Topic: New For N.S.W Vinduro  (Read 26561 times)

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Offline Ted

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2014, 03:55:39 pm »
We just healed a big divide, and then BAM! It's ripped open again. For what gain?

Heaven has been a strong supporter for non-competitive Vinduros in its name, despite the club's obvious focus on competitive VMX.
To create a Vinduro/Vintage trail riding club that excludes Pre-90 bikes a week after Heaven voted to include Pre-90 can only lead to one conclusion...

If it really is about keeping space between VMX racing and Vinduro not-racing, then fair enough.
But there's zero reason to exclude Pre-90 bikes, and plenty of reasons to include them.

Old bikes are old. We are doomed to mediocrity for as long as we keep segregating old bike enthusiasts from other old bike enthusiasts.

I thought that you would have welcomed this with open arms.

Now you can prove to the world that Pre 90, and Pre 90 alone will take VMX to the next level without the burden of old some older bikes getting in the way. Ask yourself this, If Pre 90 is the answer to obvious dwindling attendances then why has QVMX gone Pre 95.

81 YZ 465 H   77 RM 125 B

Offline Nathan S

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2014, 04:27:30 pm »
I've never said that Pre-90 was a magic bullet - but it is an important part of the puzzle.

The world is moving at a much faster rate than our sport.
VMX began when the newest bikes were 13 years old, but now we're arguing that 25 year old bikes are too new...
By doing so, we've made our sport expensive and elitist. Where VMX used to have simplicity and affordability as two big strengths, we now represent very poor value for money - you can buy a good 5 year old bike for considerably less money than a decent VMX bike costs, and the modern will be a LOT cheaper and less time consuming to own.

Nobody wants to see the older classes die, and to suggest that they do is completely wrong.

While we keep finding excuses to drag the chain, the sport continues to languish in the doldrums. Heaven's move to Pre-90 is a clear step forward for the club and for the sport - a burden lifted.

Here's a question I've asked many times, but am yet to hear an answer to: How do other people riding around on old bikes negatively impact anyone's enjoyment of riding around on their old bike?

The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Offline oz555ktm

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2014, 05:48:57 pm »
 Nathan you all way do.This ...  I will Not Feed you ..Because That what you want    A SHIT  fight true ....

 if you have a Bone to pick with Me ...Then  Do it  NOT on a FORUM  you know my number or better still
  come on over ..That would be Better ....

 All I will Say    To you is

            1st  you are Wrong ..

             2nd     You (Nathan ) if you  want to play Tennis  then Please Join a Tennis  Club .
                                               if you want to Play Football then Please  Join a Football club
                                               Yes thay are Both Ball Sports  I Know ..

             3rd for you (Nathan ) Don't Join your local  Yass Tennis Club and Then say to all the Old boys
                                               at the Tennis Club ..Who Just love to Play Tennis  the way thay like to do it . ....
                                               We need to Play Foot ball because I think is good for all you Old Tennis Players.
                                               It is what you Tennis Players  Need .
                                               It will Fun Playing Tennis with FootBall Players on the same Court.   
                                               all the Fast running and the Big Hits its all good for you  Old Bloke you know .
                                                This is What Tennis Need  Its the future .
                                                you see some time as you get Older you don't want this Shit ..
                                                We want thing to Just stay the same ..

                                                You know same old dirt same old Fun  .

                                                 some time Bloke don't want to Get with the Time thay just want to Things  stay the same ..
                                                 some time We just want to  Live our Life the way we want ...
                                                 The way it use to Be back in the Day.
                                                 No  Not the way You want..

                                                So Nathan We Old Bloke Dont Need Saving  We Don't Need another   Hero .                        .   

                                              If You Dont Like            DON'T JOIN ..
                                               I will Not Make You...I will Not Tell You To ...



« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 11:08:31 pm by oz555ktm »
And Please forgive me as I cant Spell for Shit ...
And I have very Bad Gramer ...too I been told ......

Offline odd1

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2014, 06:04:35 pm »
Dennis and Greg have the runs on the board and have run all the Vinduros on behalf of Heaven for the last couple of years very successfully.
And as usual they have now put there hand up to start there own club they have suggested that it will be pre 85 thats there choice if you dont like the rules dont join. But those of us that do get off our arses and do something are tiring of the fence sitters throwing stones when it is not what they want to hear.If you think pre 90 or 95  is the future go for it. And just for record I am not against pre 90

Offline xl59

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2014, 06:07:57 pm »
I agree with Dennis guys,as he said wen all facts about the club come out.Have a look if you don't think it your cuppa tea don't join,Heaven is a good club glad a decion was made about per 90 .Now let's all do wat each of us want and feel is right for us and get on with having FUN,  If clubs don't have rules we all go ride in bush  and take our chance with cops ect ect..... No  one can decide ,only the individual...

Offline Ted

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #35 on: November 11, 2014, 07:32:54 pm »
Dennis and Greg have the runs on the board and have run all the Vinduros on behalf of Heaven for the last couple of years very successfully.
And as usual they have now put there hand up to start there own club they have suggested that it will be pre 85 thats there choice if you dont like the rules dont join. But those of us that do get off our arses and do something are tiring of the fence sitters throwing stones when it is not what they want to hear.If you think pre 90 or 95  is the future go for it. And just for record I am not against pre 90

Dead right Steve. Achievers do. Whingers just fuc...king whinge.

What do you want from the public Nathan. Is it not enough that they give you a job. Do you also want them to organise your sporting activities for you the way you want them. When was the last time you attended a working bee at Heaven or turned up two days early and helped set up a Vinduro loop? Be grateful that there are people like Greg, Dennis, Steve, Shoey etc giving up their own time so the rest of us can have a bit of fun.

And just for the record I'm not against Pre 90 either.
81 YZ 465 H   77 RM 125 B

Offline Graeme M

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #36 on: November 11, 2014, 07:39:34 pm »
vTr sounds like a great idea. I wish you well with it Dennis.

HEAVEN is moving with the times and I expect will successfully translate all that's good about vintage motocross and racing into a new era with appeal to a new generation of old dirt bike fans.

But HEAVEN should never be seen as the only game in town - it can't possibly cover every aspect of old dirt bike fun.

vTr will be a successful addition to the scene - not an alternative, but a complementary option for those who want to ride to a different beat sometimes.  Keeping to Pre 85 and a less competitive style will appeal to many for whom the more serious race formats just don't quite tick the boxes.

This means that if you wish, you can rock up to a HEAVEN round on your 89 YZ250 and flog yourself silly on a great motocross track like Lakes, and then haul out the PE175 for a fun weekend of low key bush bashing.

How can that not be something to like? Between HEAVEN's progressive decisions and vTrs appeal to a more traditional demographic, riders in southern NSW are simply spoiled for choice!

So, let's keep this thread sympathetic to this ideal and focus on the positives of this new development. Fair warning - I'll wield the editorial axe heavily if discussion wanders off into negative territory. I will simply delete any post from here on in that isn't about the positives of this new club.

If you want to debate the deeper issue, please start a separate thread.

Offline monte34

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #37 on: November 11, 2014, 07:44:08 pm »
This is all good, a group of enthusiastic people who put in a great deal of their time and effort to assist others in the enjoyment of their pre-85 enduro legal bikes. I will be more than happy to sign up and attend some of the events as often as I can in 2015.
I am not meaning to stir the pot and I ask these two questions without any malice or disrespect;
1)  Will the Heaven club also be organising Vinduros, and if so, for pre-90?
2)  What is the main reason that pre-85 is the preferred cutoff, is it tech based? I recall that the Veri club went the same way.
I don't have a pre-90 bike and have no intention in getting one, the PE250Z is all I need, just asking that's all.

Offline oz555ktm

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2014, 07:46:57 pm »
  Graeme ,Steve  and Others  Thank you for your support..

  And This is going to sound Very Strange ... But Thank You Nathan

   so Far 32 People E-Mailing Me with Support off this Forum  ..after Nathans Post .....

And Please forgive me as I cant Spell for Shit ...
And I have very Bad Gramer ...too I been told ......

Offline oz555ktm

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #39 on: November 11, 2014, 07:53:24 pm »
This is all good, a group of enthusiastic people who put in a great deal of their time and effort to assist others in the enjoyment of their pre-85 enduro legal bikes. I will be more than happy to sign up and attend some of the events as often as I can in 2015.
I am not meaning to stir the pot and I ask these two questions without any malice or disrespect;
1)  Will the Heaven club also be organising Vinduros, and if so, for pre-90?
2)  What is the main reason that pre-85 is the preferred cutoff, is it tech based? I recall that the Veri club went the same way.
I don't have a pre-90 bike and have no intention in getting one, the PE250Z is all I need, just asking that's all.

Thanks Rob   see they are Good Questions 

  Unofficial This has Not been Set is Stone and I Believe this is How it will Go.

 No Up Side Down Forks ...No Rear Disc Brakes  From the Factory when Made ..No Mods to Fit ..Class.

 And NO BUTS MUST have a Head Light a Proper Head Light  Old style  and it Dose not Need to Work

 I Bleave  VTR

 Wiil Go Down the same Line a The VERi Club Have a Look at the Link

  But Please Year and allowed Bikes I will have to Get Back To You all .

  Why Do I say this Honda Xr 200 are the same to 1990  What a Pre 90 Bike   ( Nathan )
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 08:48:28 pm by oz555ktm »
And Please forgive me as I cant Spell for Shit ...
And I have very Bad Gramer ...too I been told ......

Offline Ted

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #40 on: November 11, 2014, 09:06:09 pm »
Actually a Pre 95....shock horror

Unfortunately ol mate has gone off half cocked again ;)
81 YZ 465 H   77 RM 125 B

Offline Nathan S

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #41 on: November 11, 2014, 09:24:31 pm »
My point is that "we" keep making divisions where none need to exist. WHY?!

How do other people riding around on old bikes negatively impact anyone's enjoyment of riding around on their old bike?

We are far too small a pastime to be able to indulge in constant internal apartheid and segregation.

The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Offline xl59

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #42 on: November 11, 2014, 09:44:24 pm »
OK People let's get it out their sorry Dennis,PRE 86 bikes but if they don't have a rear disc brake or upside down forks you will get further consideration,as Dennis said you must have a headlight complete with a lense..a piece of perspex will do and no it not have to work and a taillight ? ..their will be no exception if you don't meet these requirements....well you won't be able to ride at VTR...  A few simple rule for a heap of fun we think...We have a heap more exciting news soon OK..Everyone can make up their own minds on wat to do we encourage people to join both clubs and double the fun and fun is all we ask you to have and we will do our best to help you do just or ring one of us if ya want more info we will be more than HAPPY to talk to you........CHEERS GREG H.......

Offline XC83

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #43 on: November 11, 2014, 09:47:12 pm »
F&^k some of you guys give Nathan a hard time.

If everyone in the room is in agreement, then there is only one person thinking.

Surely even the most one eyed supporter of the soon to be announced vTr club could see the timing if not related to the Heaven pre90 vote, then is very very poor. reasonable?

This whole 'if your not with us, you must be against us' mentality is a little bit silly don't you think? Can't someone state their opinion? Perhaps you were too busy loading the guns that you couldn't hear the disappointment in the type?

I have an 84, 87 & 88 model vintage collection. My 88 model has upside down forks, so its a no go at your 'vintage trail rides' but it's fine for CD, so that's ok.

I raced a few modern enduro events this year and to my surprise everyone uses the moms ! How easy is that. Std disclaimer at riders briefing, quick and easy. I don't need to be nice to people when I pass them and they don't need to be nice when they pass me. Just ride as fast as you want to;- gold. I'll race a few selected 'Enduro' and 'Vinduro' meetings next year as well, with the occasional 'vintage trail ride'.

Disappointed Punter

Oh and before the 'you don't contribute' crowd chime in, I have worked at a couple of Enduro events this year.

Offline xl59

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Re: New For N.S.W Vinduro
« Reply #44 on: November 11, 2014, 10:01:20 pm »
Well xc83 you have bike for each event so your good to go.vinduro is none competitive as you no so ride as little or as much as you want -