Author Topic: What to buy a KDX 175, KDX200, IT 175, IT 200, Suzuki PE 175. Honda XR 200  (Read 14311 times)

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I would like your input which bike would be a good choice to buy, and what to look for.

What is your choice and why.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 03:11:14 pm by Dave #14 »

Offline Slakewell

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It comes down to the colour you like? Its hard to go wrong with any of them. I have owned and raced all of them except the PE.
Current bikes. KTM MC 250 77 Husky CR 360 77, Husky 82 420 Auto Bitsa XR 200 project. Dont need a pickle just need to ride my motorcickle


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I've got an original bore PE175N and it's a cracking bike.  I've also got an IT200N and it's also awesome.  And I have an XR200 which is slower to ride but more fun. I've had KDX200 but not a fan of the green although the new owner raced it as recently as last weekend at the Conondale Classic and she loves it 


So get any of them or one of each :)


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I would go for any of them except the XR because I prefer 2 strokes.

My decision would be based on availability of parts, which from my experience is as follows:

Suzuki PE's // Good Availability
Yamaha IT's // Limited Availability
Kawasaki KDX's // Seriously Limited Availability

When I ride there is a sea of blue with a scattering of everything else, would be good to see some more yellow and green in the mix, so for me it would have to be a Suzuki PE175, due to the fact that Suzuki still has lots of parts available.




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I want a bike thats going to be reliable, i was also thinking of a PE 250, I like light weight bikes, I am not interested in race vinduro, just take my time and have some fun and enjoy the day.



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XR200. Cheap to buy, new parts easy to get, tons of used parts. Easy to ride, faster than you think. Veri exempt all years.

Look for streched noisy cam chains (only fit quality DID cam chains), oil burning and slipping kickstart gears.

Easily up graded to disk brake front ends.
Honda XR200 x2
Honda XR250
Yamaha Yamahopper QT50


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Buy my awesome old original PE175 then Dave :)

Offline John Orchard

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I've owned PE175T, raced a KDX175, my pick now would be a PE175Z floater.  The PE engines are strong & bullet-proof.
Johnny O - Tahition_Red factory rider.

Offline Spanish Armada

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Thats interesting jock on the IT/KDX limited availability what is your reason for that considering most vinduros r made up of ITs and quite a few KDX just on general parts or engine parts ? just considering an IT myself

Offline Eddy#36

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My preference is IT.
My current collection and still race bikes

However nothing wrong with Suzuki PE's, good to see PE's getting a good wrap :)


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Buy my awesome old original PE175 then Dave :)

What price are you asking and what condition is it in.


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Thats interesting jock on the IT/KDX limited availability what is your reason for that considering most vinduros r made up of ITs and quite a few KDX just on general parts or engine parts ? just considering an IT myself

Mainly referring to vintage parts that are still available NEW from the manufacturer.

A lot of Yamaha IT parts are NLA (no longer available), same deal with the Kawasaki stuff, getting a bit thin on the ground. I have friends that have all makes and models at various stages of resto and out of all of the manufacturers that they buy parts from the one that they comment on as having good parts availability is Suzuki.

If you're willing to take good second hand parts then you can usually find someone wrecking out a parts bike, however sometimes you need NEW and sometimes new just isn't an option due to the manufacturer discontinuing the one little thing that you really, really need!

I've owned PE175T, raced a KDX175, my pick now would be a PE175Z floater.  The PE engines are strong & bullet-proof.

I've always had a soft spot for these.

Great looking bike!





Offline Nathan S

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KDX200 and IT200 are MILES ahead of the rest (to ride).

KDX has the better motor and better handling, the IT has better brakes and suspension.

Good genuine plastics (particularly sidecovers) are the only bit of unobtanium for the KDX200A/B that I know of. DC's replicas are fine for a ride bike.

The two-valve XR200 is the only other one I'd consider, as per Dirtpilot's post.

Also add the aircooled KDX250 to the list - way better bike than the PE250.
The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.


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KDX200 and IT200 are MILES ahead of the rest (to ride).

KDX has the better motor and better handling, the IT has better brakes and suspension.

Good genuine plastics (particularly sidecovers) are the only bit of unobtanium for the KDX200A/B that I know of. DC's replicas are fine for a ride bike.

The two-valve XR200 is the only other one I'd consider, as per Dirtpilot's post.

Also add the aircooled KDX250 to the list - way better bike than the PE250.

I see you have a soft spot for GREEN Nathan!  :)

How many beers did you sink after the 4DAY?

Mighty effort that.




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so, is pre 90 excepted now in the vinduro here in victoria