Here in the PNW myself and all my big bore Maico bros are running Maxima Castor at 32-1.
It has been my experience that as the Motoplat dies the 490's become increasingly difficult to start. The failure mode on 2 motoplat equipped 490's was that I could not get a fire lit by kicking (I have had lots of 490's that I have raced for years and know how to start them) then even pushing down a hill or towing the bike will not get it started. Time for s new PVL or HPI.
You're onto the decompressor, good!
If you are running the Bing make sure the slide is not worn, if the slide greets you with a big smily face get a new one.
Like the gentleman on the previous post, they like a wet bottom end, I run long vent hoses and will turn them up, tickle until you see a level build in the hoses and hold the throttle open for a count of 3, this floods the bottom end. A few slow priming kicks then get it just past TDC and give it a smooth strong stroke, do not "slap" at the kickstart. If it pops or kicks back shut the fuel off and hold the throttle wide open when kicking.