Author Topic: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015  (Read 11258 times)

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Offline SON

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2014, 11:12:36 am »
Thank you very much MA, you got what you wanted.  Prime real estate to sell and fill your pockets with......  That was their goal right from the start......
Peter my reply was to the above, MA is a Federation of 6 States and a Territory, you know that MAs goal was not to buy to sell as they then had to pay back Govt contributions.
I feel sorry that your years of efforts have not panned out, for Barra is a brilliant venue.
To me it should have been the site of OZ MX GPs
I still lament the Chad Reed International
I hope that all levels of Govt make amends to your club for this sport and it's future are nothing without Venues.

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2014, 12:05:02 pm »
Thanks Son I see your point. I dont think MA 'bought to sell' either, but it must have been a huge incentive to be told (at the time of negotiations) the total 'outside' funding being tipped in from joint partners totalled (approx) $2.4M, leaving MA needing to contribute only (approx) $800K to get ownership of a prime $3.2M property.  In the end (after the City of Geelong council pulled out because MA not wanting to comply with funding conditions) McAdam Park still only cost MA half what it is worth.  I'd be pretty happy if I bought a new house but someone else paid half for me! Thing is, what happens now to that money, MA have told our club our money paid in "its gone" (that from the highest authority  :) )   

Chad not coming certainly put a dent in the fundraising, but we still are proud of that event and the level we took it to. 

After meeting with our local council and local member Andrew Katos we are not confident of good support for the clubs. Easier for them to work with the 'governing body' on an alternative venue for our region. The health of clubs within our community seems unimportant in comparison to just following 'the path of least resistance'. 
Propaganda, politics and lip service are like ear plugs against common sense!
There is a default alternate site near the Avalon airport. City of Geelong investigated an Avalon option years ago but it was put on the back burner.  Years of investigations have not uncovered any other potential sites.  Its not a patch on Barrabool, flat and rocky.  Waiting for someone to put forward a good business plan to see how it could work . . . .   


Offline SON

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2014, 03:15:18 pm »
When you have friends on the inside of Govt pushing your barrow and things still go to $h!t it really can pi$$ you off.
The former Fed Sports Minister rode  a DRZ250 her kids had minibikes and her hubby a DRZ400, I sold the former First bloke a DR650, I got to ask questions and received some answers, but to see over $100 million go to a Winter Institute of Sport for a few paltry Olympic medals every 4 years is criminal then they get several Mill a year as well, compared to the few hundred thousand we receive every year.

Offline Nathan S

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2014, 05:08:45 pm »
Interesting to hear about the former First Bloke. I knew about Kate Lundy's family being into dirt bikes, but not Mr Tim.

If MA is suggesting that they will/can simply pocket ~$3M when the Barrabool land is sold, then there needs to be a BIG fight, starting pretty much immediately. I don't know the ins-and-outs of the donation process, but "I/we donated to maintain a high quality MX track in this part of the world. If you have failed to maintain Barrabool, and cannot replace it with a track of similar standard, then I want my money back" would be my starting point.

I don't know what real estate is worth in that part of the world, but if it can't buy and develop a suitable venue within 20 or 30km of Barrabool, I would be surprised.

The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

Offline SON

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2014, 05:23:00 pm »
MA is a Federation,
Managed by Board that you can correspond with,
Just like any democracy,
You can ask questions,
You can be involved in the Process,
You might be just as disappointed as others that tried,
MA has a moral obligation to do the right thing and I'm sure it will try to,

Other events of recent weeks will have a big bearing on next years outcomes

Offline Lozza

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2014, 05:57:16 pm »
Less places and time to go skiing than ride your bike Graeme let alone give a bobsled a run. Lack of venues is a problem for all motosport. Sad to hear about an iconic track closing down.
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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2014, 09:29:22 pm »
gmh, Toyota, Barrabool...wait, loss of profit got the first two due to high cost...what happened at barrabool,

where did the $$ go?? ..who benefits? how do the "local constituents" suss out what actually happened???

Offline Rookie#1

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2014, 11:04:49 pm »
Interesting to hear about the former First Bloke. I knew about Kate Lundy's family being into dirt bikes, but not Mr Tim.

If MA is suggesting that they will/can simply pocket ~$3M when the Barrabool land is sold, then there needs to be a BIG fight, starting pretty much immediately. I don't know the ins-and-outs of the donation process, but "I/we donated to maintain a high quality MX track in this part of the world. If you have failed to maintain Barrabool, and cannot replace it with a track of similar standard, then I want my money back" would be my starting point.

I don't know what real estate is worth in that part of the world, but if it can't buy and develop a suitable venue within 20 or 30km of Barrabool, I would be surprised.

Very interesting point you raise about the funding raised NS, is it time people actually stand up and fight for motorcycling in this country? When other governing bodies do things it's members refuse to accept they will protest/revolt/strike, do whatever they can as individuals coming together to achieve an outcome they desire, or at least are willing to accept. Maybe it's time we stopped tapping keys and start banging down doors. I think it's time to piss or get off the pot, we'll continue to be shat on if we're seen to wear that shit so easily and without a fuss.

As far as venues go i think what will be challenging in any business plan submission will be any guarnentee in "projected revenue" if that venue will rely predominantly on "racers" to supply it, I've come to realize that the majority of riders are happy being just that, riders..recreational riders...not racers. This is we're others are capitalizing and doing a good job of it, in the last few weeks a track only 50k or less from Barbool has opened up, well it was there for years but in poor condition and saw little action, someone has now poured a little money and time in and made it great, given it a new name and now punters are flocking there by the hundreds every weekend to part with $40 to ride as much as they wish for the day.

How do you compete with this? You don't! There is another venue not too far from that one that is also currently being re commissioned and will be operating in a similar way in the not too distant future. Funny thing is MA doesn't see a cent from these venues, no MA license is required to ride, not even a "rec" unless they start pumping money into venues quicker than private business will they're gonna miss the boat anyway. Just my 2c

Cheers, Brendan
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Offline FourstrokeForever

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2014, 10:16:14 am »
If MA is suggesting that they will/can simply pocket ~$3M when the Barrabool land is sold, then there needs to be a BIG fight, starting pretty much immediately. I don't know the ins-and-outs of the donation process, but "I/we donated to maintain a high quality MX track in this part of the world. If you have failed to maintain Barrabool, and cannot replace it with a track of similar standard, then I want my money back" would be my starting point.

I don't know what real estate is worth in that part of the world, but if it can't buy and develop a suitable venue within 20 or 30km of Barrabool, I would be surprised.

Spot on Nathan. There needs to be answers. Not just "it's gone", but a detailed statement of how that sort of money disappears when,
to my knowledge, MA has bugger all in the way of liabilities. Is that money propping up another arm of MA that we don't know about? For too long MA has been rattling the coin tins at every intersection without being held accountable for the monies collected. Any money that was donated to the "save Barabool fund" should be returned pronto. Unless MA goes into liquidation, they have no excuse not to return the money raised so they could purchase the iconic Barabool land. Perhaps a class action from all those involved in the process might make the greedy honchos at MA take note that they can't keep continuing to be held un-accountable.
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Offline dkupf

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2014, 09:34:03 pm »
If they close the track down what is going to happen to the all tiles on the wall we bought to raise money to try and save the track. ??? Hope they don't just get bulldozed into the ground :'( . Darcy
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Offline Davey Crocket

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2014, 12:31:03 am »
I remember buying the "bricks" as well......I think it was in ADB magazine?......hopefully the club gets looked after.
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Offline SON

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2014, 07:36:13 pm »
More on this unfortunate outcome is coming to light,
I hope MA do far better on the communication front,
More than anything I want to (SEE) better transparency
AND comment
Something like "Spokesperson for Motorcycling Australia said"
As against the last 20 years of no comment on anything in the press ever,
Even some riders winning World Championships and never having spoken to David White what BS!!!

Offline Barra

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Re: Barrabool Track to Close end of 2015
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2014, 07:45:29 pm »
Don't worry, I have a feeling we''ll see more on this tomorrow . .  . hopefully positive rather than same old same old.

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« Last Edit: June 16, 2014, 07:56:29 pm by Barra »