"A further area that possibly needs consideration is the requirement to have shock mounts in there original position. If a bike meets the suspension requirments does it matter? certainly back in the day people did all sorts of things. Maybe it should apply to Pre75 and earlier only?"
That is exactly what Nathans re-write of the rules is proposed. Yes, suspension travel limits are required otherwise we will end up with all sorts of frankenstien beasts that do not represent any specific era. In most cases, the bike with increased travel will be unrideable anyway. Imagine a 1974 CR250 with 8"s of suspension travel at the back.....YUK.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe if enough punters back it then MA will take it seriously.
Then it is up to the commissioners, some of who may not be relevant (classic road race for instance, not too sure on this)
When you think you have all the bugs ironed out then I suggest you run it by the relevant commissioners to get their take on it before it is submitted to MA
If they are all in agreement with it then it has a good chance of being passed.
Once you get to this stage then we can all copy and paste to submit it to MA
If there are lots of people submitting lots of different versions then it will probably fall in a heap.
Exactly right Geoff. The proposed rules need to fit in with what the MAJORITY of riders want as their new bible. I'm sure that Nathan's intent is to give the punters what they deem as the way forward. Sure, there will no doubt be the odd detractor, but that's the way of a democratic society. If the majority agree that the final, and we're not there yet, set of proposed rules are the way of the future, then yes, copy and paste a submission. That can not fail. The strength is in numbers, as it has always been in everything beaurocratic with democracy at it's heart apart from those that CONTROL motorsport in this country. United we stand, divided nothing will be gained. I don't think the classic road race committee should have anything to do with CMX or PCMX or have any right to vote on what the Classic MX committee want to do. And I'm sure they wouldn't want any interference from the Classic MX committee either. They are both entirely different classes of motorcycle sport.