"If only it were so simple, without a doubt we experience drier winters and hotter summers increasing the length of bushfire season. The frequency of extreme fire danger days again has increased again reducing the time that burn offs can be done safely. A back burning operation went pearshaped only last year. Back burning isn't the silver bullet everyone would like to believe. If you live in the bush you have to accept that there may well be a bush fire one day, being prepared (either to fight it or exacuate) is the key. Even then there appears to be a lot of randomness to the damage.
As with most natural disasters the speed at which they happen is hard to imagine unless you see it first hand."
Ok. Backburning isn't the be all and end all of a solution to ending tragic fires once and for all, but it will reduce the risks. And yes, there have been some mistakes made during back burns. Those accountable for such "pearshaped" moments should not be in their position any longer. Pure and simple. If I were a big land owner and let any controlled burn I attempt get out of control, the consequence of my action would be personnally very costly.
The part I really struggle to understand is the locked gates policy the greenies come up with. The number of fire tracks that are blocked off in NSW is unbelievable. You can't get a dirt bike around most of them, let alone a fire truck. And they are serious bits of construction that even a tank would struggle to get over without damage. These tracks were deemed necessary a long time ago to be able to fight fires from different fronts. Now they are ,in effect, useless to our fire men and women. They get to a gate that they cannot get past and are legally, not allowed to open the gate. Only Nat parks has the keys! Ridiculous!