I have to agree that the bike is very well done and looks just right. What's the go with the gearshift shaft looking like it is located at the centre of the swingarm pivot bolt ? (Edit): Had another look and noticed the linkage down to the gearshift shaft.
That was one of the very few compromises I had to make on the bike after it was built - but as it turned out I think it was an improvement.
Because the motor and frame were never made for each other, the footpeg position in relation to the gear shaft were way out of whack. The gear lever was standing uphill about 30 degrees and shifting gears was a bitch (getting false neutrals) as the gear lever in effect was rotating up and back (very awkward).
This required another standing and thinking session, with more ideas coming with each can of creativity stimulent. The idea of using the centre of the swingarm axle came to me when trying to work out a way of having the gear lever running parallel with my foot. I thought if the lever moved 'up' instead of 'backwards' it would make for easy upshifting. The pivot for the gear lever is pretty much in line with my ankle making for a nice 'parallelagram' type action. There is an adjustable linkage going down to a shortened gear lever to complete the set up.
This version is a bit rudimentory. I had to keep the pivot bolt small in diameter as didn't want to weaken the actual swingarm axle. Had no probs at all so far. I'd like to do another one using nicer materials. But it does work much better now like it should.