Big K , Stewy i stand corrected
1974 book does list oversize pistons so must have been steel liner . Therefore my 74 must have a 75/76 top end on it .
Wonder why the 74 125 was plated but not the 250
I have had 78 ,79 cyls that have had steel liners retro fitted but i dont like using them, i have got damaged originals and had them replated .
KT 250 was a steel liner to but dont know if pistons fit KXs
The 78 /79 reed top end will bolt onto early cases and does make a big difference , but obviously puts the bike into Evo
Early cranks will go into 79 cases but not the reverse , 79 has a square edged crank ( apparantly for more weight flywheel effect ) .
Early cases all interchange upto and including 78 KX model and im 99% sure KT as well .