Author Topic: Stolen from Newcastle area  (Read 14168 times)

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Offline lyle2212

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2013, 08:08:10 PM »
Thanks for the info, I suppose all I can do is wait and see what happens . If you can contact the bloke who has it , tell  him I would be prepared to compensate him for his troubles, regards, lyle

Offline lyle2212

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2013, 09:59:02 PM »
Well James who ever you may be,  it looks like I owe you a carton of your favourite beveridge....
I just had a phone call from your mate who has my bike and he said that he will return the bike to my place tomorrow . He only lives around the corner from me.  Unfrigginbelievable, he said he nearly had a heart attack when he saw it on the VMX forum. I won't be home till next Thursday so I hope to catch up with him then. I offered him compensation for his troubles but he flatly refused. Seems like a pretty genuine chap though......
I had given up on getting the Bulty back as the months went by and I was so down and angry about it that I didn't visit this forum untill today ,after someone rang me and said to take a look at VMXForum. I haven't bought a copy of VMX magazine since my bike was taken . Apparently the front headlight and shroud is missing along with a snapped rear mudguard . But I can live with that ...thankyou to the people who contacted me today,and gave me the information regarding my bike. Where would I be without this Forum ?
  I had visions over the past months of what I would have done if I had caught these guys in the act and it involved a ballpein hammer, anyway enough of that....   I didn't realise at the time that my electric roller door on my garage could be forced open like that ,needless to say I had it deadbolted and padlocked from the inside immediately after it happened. I have also since then invested in a security system called CANE CORSO. If anyone is stupid enough to try and break into my house again then they will be lucky if they leave with their balls intact ,as this security system is fail safe . If you are not familiar with it simply google CANE CORSO and click on images, the rest is self explanatory .     
Once again a big thanks to all involved and I will put a few cartons on next week when I get home if anyone wants to come over... Regards lyle


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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2013, 10:10:02 PM »
Fantastic news!

Offline yamaico

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2013, 10:10:40 PM »
Wow, what a good result. Big praise for llewdaert (who, incidentally, wins the competition for the hardest to spell forum name ;D)

Offline lyle2212

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2013, 10:14:08 PM »
Treadwell spelt backwards .....thanks again James

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2013, 06:38:43 AM »
Yes that is fantastic news. And just goes to show it's worth posting details about stolen bikes on forums!

Offline llewdaert

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2013, 07:44:43 AM »
Good news Lyle.

No need for carton to me, but thanks for the offer.

I would accept a beer or two, though.... When you get back and settled...

I would like to catch up with Glen as well. Without him the connection would have been harder to make.

Yes forums are good, but do not replace friendship and networking with common interest people. Good old fashioned talking.

Shit does happen when we buy bikes and bits. Hell- We dont really know where they all have been for their whole history. I got bikes from the 1920s, through to now. I reckon they would have stories, and some of the stories would be sad and bad.

The real hero is my mate, salt of the earth type.

He loves his bikes, and expects others love theirs.

Sorry about the 'llewdaert' thing I could not find a code name that was available, so my surname spelt backwards works good.

I am llewdaert now on other forums that I enjoy, but I really would prefer to be riding my bike.


Offline lyle2212

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2013, 08:12:54 PM »
Just a quick update regarding my GM frontera. The gentleman who had my bike was kind enough to return it to my house today. I won't get to see it untill next Thursday when I arrive home.   My son sent me a few photos of it and the following items are missing...headlight ,taillight,indicators, headlight shroud, speedo,tailpipe, bumbag and battery. Rear mudguard snapped off,front mudguard damaged.    That's what I can tell so far from the photos.   Apart from that, it seems to be in surprisingly good condition. It even seems like "ol mate" gave it a bit a polish before he dropped it off.   
It will probably cost around $1000 to replace the parts, but I don't care ,I'm just gratefull to have it back relatively unscathed.
I will have an esky full of cold ones if anyone wants to pop in on Thursday Arvo, as Friday I'm off to Sydney till Monday ,then Wednesday morning fly back to work in WA......just PM me if you want my contact details, regards lyle

Offline Turtle.Inc

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2013, 08:22:26 PM »
Great Stuff James and even better for you lyle

You can give me the full story at Face's memorial ride if ya going James, should be big weekend

Small world as well as the tyre bloke (two wheel treads at Warners Bay) is a big VMX supporter who regulary uses the forum called sorelegs11, Well done as well Darren, if only you could ride a fast as you talk ;D

Cheers Rosco
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 08:31:35 PM by Turtle.Inc »
Always looking for Maico parts/bikes, cash paid

Offline nigmax

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2013, 08:25:36 PM »
That's an awesome story :o
Still some decent people about.


Offline Snowy 76

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2013, 09:21:43 PM »
Great News Lyle, will let Ray know {The previous and original owner since new}
Couple of CR`s

Offline Lozza

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2013, 07:23:40 AM »
Well there you go, a Hollywood happy ending.  :D A pat on the back to everyone involved. 
Jesus only loves two strokes

Offline Sorelegs11

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2013, 10:55:39 AM »
 Good to see the bike back in its owners hands.

 See you at nepean Ross, your kind words always impress  ;D
If you can drag yourself away from the CWA meeting we are having a few coldies sat night before the racin'

Now about the slow bit >:( >:(
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.

Offline Ktm181

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2013, 09:58:02 PM »

JUST AMAZING!  Well done men. You know i used to work in a very shit profession years ago, it affects you whole view on people and the world, today i was having one of those bad/moody days and i read this story, not only does it make me PROUD to be part of this forum it makes me realize just exactly what sort of REAL PEOPLE there are out there, FOR ALL DIRECTLY INVOLVED you have made my bloody day, WELL DONE men, this is exactly why i love bikes and all the blokes who are passionate about them, JUST AMAZING!  And me, well i'll try to emulate the CLASS displayed my just about all of you.


Offline lyle2212

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Re: Stolen from Newcastle area
« Reply #29 on: June 11, 2013, 04:17:59 PM »
Just had a visit from the "Boys in blue" after I reported my stolen bike as being recovered.
 I don't know if anyone has ever removed a compliance plate from a GM frontera, " mine has been removed by who ever stole it" but underneath on the frame is a set of numbers that look like they have been flattened out with a ballpein hammer. This to me looks like it has been done in the factory and then painted over, because it does not look like it has been done recently.   Even the policeman agreed with me on that.
  After I refused to give up the person who returned my bike the copper changed his tone and said "I have my doubts as to wether that is even your bike.       that's when I felt my blood pressure rising. I showed him a photo on my IPad of the bike before it was stolen  and said to him.....take a long hard look mate and tell me which part of the bike doesn't resemble the original.
     He then threatened to seize the bike and have the crime squad to look into it...... I responded by saying Go ahead and I will phone NBN ( the local TV station ) and get them out here filming while you seize it and you people will look like a bunch of imbeciles. All the while with profanities thrown in from me left right and centre. That's when the young female copper stepped in and said "mind your language".        Well that set me off even further.. I said don't you tell me to mind my bloody language, you people did nothing to aid in the recovery of my bike ,you didn't even bother to take finger prints when my home was broken into and bike stolen and you've got the audacity to come here and tell me that I could be in possession of a stolen bike.
  This all happened over a half hour period .   I tried to explain that these bikes were originally motocross bikes and have a factory over stamp blah blah blah.  And that the guy who had it before me was the original owner and it has never Been tampered with.
 Eventually after I had calmed down and explained that the bike was recovered through a very tight knit bunch of enthusiasts. And that if I could find out any more info which would aid in the tracking down of the original thieves then I would pass that information on to him . To which the copper replied OK then I will leave at that for the time being and pass the info on to the crime squad.
  What a day.....anyway a few of the Bulty boys will be here soon for a drink I owe them,  so I will no doubt have an interesting tale to tell them about Australia's finest.
Regards lyle