Clubroom > General Discussion

Keeping the show on the road

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Graeme M:
Hi everyone. You may recall that in the past I've relied on donations to help cover costs running OzVMX. Unfortunately recently I had a protracted dispute with Paypal over the use of Paypal to receive donations. They were pretty useless, and the end result is that I can no longer do that. I don't think that's right, because I see plenty of other websites doing it, but what can you do? So, without the Donate button, income has disappeared. I've never made a profit from that, but most years I've broken even or if not haven't missed by much.

Anyway, renewal time is here for the Ning part of OzVMX. I know many of you don't use that site so you won't be much interested, but for those that do get some value from it, any help you can offer would be much appreciated. I'm not looking for big dollars, anything you can offer is welcome. And of course, don't feel that you *have* to contribute.  OzVMX has always been free with donations welcome but not mandatory, and that is still the same.

If you'd like to contribute, I can only offer the options of sending a cheque my way, or direct deposit to my bank account.

Cheques can be made out and sent to:

Graeme McElligott
PO Box 1622
Tuggeranong ACT 2901

Direct deposit payments can be made to

Title: Graeme McElligott
BSB: 732-636
AC No: 555769

I won't be able to personally thank donaters, but believe me your contributions will be highly valued and appreciated.


Graeme M

Given that I know the costs etc , I put in $20.00 ,
I will ask why you don't add some links and add space ? If you need HTML help to make that happen I will do for free.

Graeme M:
Well you know, that's an interesting thing. I have Google adlinks on the Ning site and that generates on average maybe 50c to $1 a day, whixh of course is better than nothing but hardly impressive.

When I started OzVMX, it was intended to make money. I put a lot of effort into tailoring an advertising package at what I thought were reasonable rates. I explained the benefits of advertising with a site that had by far the broadest reach of any 'vintage' site in Australia, and sat back and waited for the dollars to roll in.

I soon learned two things - you have to do that stuff as a serious fulltime thing as potential advertisers need to be wooed and convinced and led by the hand, and small businesses are very careful with their money.

I also tried charging for for sale ads, and found that people don't like to pay for ads unless they have a very good chance of getting a sale.

So, I decided that unless I found a lot more time and opportunity, OzVMX would be free and dep[end only on donations or my own pocket.

It's worked OK so far, especially as I have received some great support from various individuals and businesses. So I am certainly not complaining. But I was pretty peed off by Paypal...

Pay Pal is owned by the church these days and they have some odd ideas. Correct me if I'm wrong but the hosting for this site could be no more than $200 per year?
If it's not I can get one that will be.


--- Quote from: Slakewell on August 10, 2011, 07:48:39 pm ---Pay Pal is owned by the church these days and they have some odd ideas. Correct me if I'm wrong but the hosting for this site could be no more than $200 per year?
If it's not I can get one that will be.

--- End quote ---

I  thought that PAYPAL is a sub of Ebay ,was bought out by Ebay years ago .


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