Depends a bit on the bike capacity and use..
In the late 90's I was riding enduros on YZ125's, and tried the Wiseco Pro Lite piston. It was appreciably lighter than the standard YZ125 piston, and lasted very well, but it changed the power delivery a lot..
The bike definitely had less vibration than with the standard piston, and it picked up revs much more quickly. Unfortunately it also lost revs much more quickly - less reciprocating mass meant less torque (the flywheel or steel clutch plate type torque). It fell 'off the pipe' much more quickly on hills than with the heavier standard Yamaha piston..
I loved it for MX, but hated it for Enduros...
It was noticable on a YZ125, but may not be as noticable on a larger capacity bike as the weight difference would probably be a smaller percentage of the piston weight...