+1 for me George. I think some of these guys are lacking some common sense. If you restore bikes for the love of motor cycles then the money issue doesn't come into it, but if you decide to sell the bike don't expect to get what you spent on it, whether it be a bike, car, whatever. It is quite easy to overcapitalise on something that is not worth as much as one thinks. My comments and Georges I'm sure are bassed on current market values.
Look on Ebay or bikesales etc, most KX' YZ CR big bores are hovering are around the $5K and most people seem happy to pay that. If you're hoping to snag that one buyer with a high price then good luck to. MarcFX mentioned CCM, Mugen, just to name a few. Man you are talking about exotics, CCM's like most British bikes pull good coin as for Mugen's rare and are sought after. I would expect prices would be in $5K-$15K mark but it would be worth it. How much do you put on an Kawasaki SR or a Yamaha OW?
If it was a European bike like a Maico or Husky sure expect big $$$$. Why because that's the kind of money they command.
I've restored alot of bikes over the years and probably forgotten how much I've spent, but I sure as hell don't think about it when I ride and go "Oh no there's a rock or it might get dirty or I might dent my Nos pipe". I ride and restore because I love bikes. If I was doing it to make money then I'd probably be broke like I'm sure many others would be.
At the end of the day Ted you are entitled to sell your bike where ever you like, but by the same token people are entitled to there opinions and this is a public forum. Perhaps if you take some notice of people's "so called rants" you might actually sell the bike. I wish you luck.