This link shows our roof, our block is the one that looks like a triangle at the end of Keith Street, it was taken on the 13th, the floods had already started to recede, if you zoom in you can see my car floating
, it appears it was the tree that stopped it from escaping. Yesterday was a huge day thanks to Glenn and Michelle Wollenweber, Michael and Leonie Bamford, Tony and Barb Smith, Brad Van Barrelo, and Mege and Greg Miar what a fantastic bunch, heaps got done no slackers thankyou all. The salvo's came around and provided us with lunch, and then in the afternoon the red cross turned up with boxes of stuff, toiletries and things, strangers offering help was constant throughout the day. Garaham and Denise have been with us all the way through this, Denise has either been right beside me up to her neck in it, and if not beside me on the phone to make sure we're okay, The world really is a wonderful place, and I feel blessed to have such wonderful people in my life
I hope that everyone down south made it to dry land and are safe and well.
To those that are lost, I pray that you will be found
To those that have lost loved ones or friends, my heart goes out to you,
forever in our thoughts.