Author Topic: Forsale Board Maintainance  (Read 9200 times)

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Offline The Wombat

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Forsale Board Maintainance
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:42:38 pm »
Hi guys, surely we can have the Forsale section cleaned up so current ads don't get lost in the system. ie when something has sold can it be removed?? there are a lot of pages of stuff for sale and i'm sure it all isn't.

I'm only saying this cause I really want my XL250 stuff not to get lost in the pages until its all sold  ;D heheheeee


The Wombat ( not to be confused with Wombat  :P )

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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 11:55:12 pm »
It says :::::Marketplace was developed by a third party.  :o  ;D 
Bit scary............just resubmit(copy/paste) your bits and they will stay at the top of the page  :P
Good luck with your XL stuff  8)
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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2010, 10:45:36 pm »
Yeah I do that on Gumtree, but thats a dogs breakfast & this should be a bit better maintained otherwise the pages will just build up & up. Surley its taking up space somewhere in cyberworld.

Offline Graeme M

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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2010, 11:13:47 pm »
I am guessing you mean the For Sales on the forum here? The MarketPlace on is a Ning app that I am not especially happy with. I'm thinking of scrapping it and trying another system called Lists but I am not sure it's that much better.

As for the For Sales here on the forum, you're right. I've never made any change to it. I am not likely to start trying to weed out all the ones that have been sold or whatever, how on earth would I know? Besides, I don't care that much either. What I could do is get rid of the really old ones, but even they serve a purpose as people often go back looking at stuff and chase people up to see if something is still for sale or see if they have parts or contacts or whatever.

Anyone got an opinion on this one? Do I just delete all ads over say 6 months old? Or just leave em there? They take up very little space, the killer there is images, which I no longer allow.


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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2010, 11:58:28 pm »
but by deleting posts you're deleting information.

I'm not talking about "for sale" or "wanted" posts but tech and marque specific posts. When you ask a question, more often than not people answer. When you delete your question, all that information is lost and we have to start again.

Also, new members are asked to use the "search" function as a matter of course. Your deleting of posts is counter-productive in this respect.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 01:16:29 pm by mainline »

Offline The Wombat

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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2010, 12:17:28 pm »
The issue is strictly the Forsale board, not other posts mainline, 95 pages of stuff is a lot to wade thru when your chasing something and don't have a search engine. the simple thing I s'pose would be for folks who are selling to be able to remove the ad once its sold or when it gets back further than 10 pages to remove the ad and relist it at the top keeping it fresh in everyones mind its still for sale.

This would mean the onus is on the seller not the administrator and if the seller is not motivated they will fall to the back of the pack. This is sorta what Vmx said. So the remove function will help keep it upto date and tidy.

With everyone on the site interested in the same sort of stuff and cash being the thing that hinders the next project we need the forsale thing to work for us otherwise the wheels slow to a halt at times if we can't move on or pick up goodies.

that's my 2c worth again, Oh & don't forget XL250SA PARTS FORSALE lol  :P


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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2010, 10:37:16 pm »
ahh... he's done it again ;D

Mr "The Wombat" ;D, I have no problem's whatsoever with what you're saying, and it makes perfect sense to me to have some sort of organisation especially when it comes to the "for sale", and "wanted" sections.

My post was actually in reply to a post on this thread by Walter (which you may or may not have read, as he's deleted it) in which he stated his policy of deleting his posts and threads after a period of time determined by himself.

The problem with this "policy' is that (a) it makes the thread unintelligible, and (b) if the whole thread is deleted, removes information from the public forum, and I would imagine, make those who've put the effort into responding, less inclined to do so in the future.

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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2010, 10:10:38 am »
The issue is strictly the Forsale board, not other posts mainline, 95 pages of stuff is a lot to wade thru when your chasing something and don't have a search engine. .

The search engine for this site is in the upper right corner.

Your right there is a lot in their but it's in order of recent post.
Some things can get lost if there happens to be a busy week of posts but if you fel your parts aren't getting the attention they deserve then it's not hard to bump it back to the top.

In amongst all those adds there are some good conversations.
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Offline LWC82PE

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Re: Forsale Board Maintainance
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2010, 11:30:39 am »
I reckon let people have the choice if they want to delete their old wanted/forsale ads. I have actually gone an deleted some of my old ones a few months ago, but i also recently had someone from the otherside of the world reply to one of my wanted adds that was still on there from over 2 years ago which was still valid and they actually had the part i had been looking for for years. So there is still people that look back through old posts for stuff.

As others have said, the text takes up stuff all space, it was only the photos that did but Graeme doesnt allow pictures hosted on here now anyway, you have to host them elsewhere so its not really a big issue, so i reckon just delete your ads if you have found or sold the item but dont put a blanket rule saying all ads get deleted after 6 weeks or what ever.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 11:33:41 am by LWC82PE »
Wanted - 1978 TS185 frame or frame&motor. Frame # TS1852-24007 up to TS1852-39022