The sum total of the details are "Australia": So we know the bike is somewhere within 22 million people and over 7.5 million square kilometres.
If that's enough info for anyone to track the bike down to steal it, then they were going to be able to track it down anywhere in the world.
If you stole it, you could never use it, could never sell it and could never even show it to anyone... WhyTF would you bother? Maybe the local dead-beat my be willing to thrash it around the scrub, but if the security at the new owner's house is such that a local deadbeat can take it, then they don't deserve to own the bloody thing in the first place. And I really doubt that the local deadbeat is the one to work out exactly where its going based on an overseas internret forum posting that says its going to Australia.
FFS, are we eight years old?
Edit: This is completely different to "Fred Marsh from Bulli has a really nice RC500 and a YZM500 in his back shed". That's what vmx155 seems to be talking about and I understand that point. But the statement that started this off was "Australia"...
I've lived the early Mazda dream (even when living in Wollongong) so I know the dramas... I know its futile, but I'd really live to drive a stake through the heart of the paranoia about "If anyone knows you've got it, then it
will go missing", particularly when it comes to a very small, very tight-knit community like the VMX one.
Despite Husky67's scare at CD4, I am still to hear of an Australian VMX theft that wasn't just opportunistic thieves who have taken the easiest bike they can get their hands on (which sometimes happens to be a VMX bike).