Sorry mate, I didn't get to finish that last post properly as my 2yo daughter was yelling at me for attention.
I was asking because I've got a 125 J and H both with that ingenious system. I bought all the seals for the J (which cost about $100) put her together, filled her up and green fluid spilled all over the floor from the bottom steering head bearing.

. I thought I did a good job of cleaning inside the steering head with a wire brush fitting on the rotary tool (possibly the most useful tool I have ever bought).
The only thing I am going to try now is bars leaks before I admit defeat and just run the hoses directly to the radiator. Not really worried about the H/J hybrid as that's a thrasher/race bike maybe, but I'd really like to have the real deal for the other H I'm going to do. Any suggestions

I could replace the steering head tube, but that would be a major drama I'd reckon. Stainless could be the go so it wouldn't rust, but could cost more than the whole bike is worth. I'd need to restamp the numbers too.
Any ideas - I've seen a lot with the hoses run direct, so Im guessing there isn't a fix.
BTW - what model YZ80 had that stupid setup ?? I have only ever seen one photo of one on ebay. I really hope it's not the H model.