Its a free world, you can say what ever you like.
This bike was bought brand new off kEITH STACKERS MOTORCYCLES in 1973, l know the fellow who bought it, the bike was raced for a full season, then the bike was parked and never used again, the owner gave it to a friend on mine and he looked after the bike for more then 30 years as the owner went over seas. When the vintage movement started in geelong barrabool in 1990, that fellow brought it out to the meeting and put it on show, it was never ridden on the day but was started, l was there.
In 1992 or 93 their was a race meeting at mytleford vic and the carer of the bike had a ride on it at that meeting, and took it home and put it in storage. The paint on the frame is perfect, the sandcast engine has very strong compression, their is nothing missing on the bike, wheels, guards, original levers, bars, throttle, their are brand new guards air box boot, filters, all new that will go with the bike, for a bike of this age it is brilliant., that photo of maico is the night l picked up the bike before heading off to QLD titles in august 2009.
The maico is for sale, your welcome to make an offer.