This after around 1.5 minutes! How easy.
Though I think the hard part is just beginning
Filed out some of the big rim edge marks but the fine pitting is proving to be a major PITA.
I've even had a scrub at a section with a 120 grit dry paper and this is going to take an awful lot of time me thinks. Is this where those 3M type convoluted wheels come in? Seems as though it's gonna be a HUGE job by hand and I haven't got to all those rounds where the nipples are. (Ooh, getting a touch excited there)
Actually toying with the idea of simply polishing it up and not coating it at all? The cases on the Z are only polished 'cos I didn't really have any faith in clear coats (They certainly never worked from original) I usually give 'em a rub with AutoSol or Mothers every couple of months or so and they're as shiny as ever. What do you think?