some points,
1 You could not really run pre 90 with pre85 as the grids are quite full already
and at the moment pre 85 is not yet divided into Capacity classes,
2 The juniors are "used" in most Heaven events not to give them lots of track time
but to give breaks between events so riders are not doing to many back to back races,
Personally I like to watch them but club days are not really about the spectacle its about being able to get out and have a fang on your weapon of choice and having fun doing it , not giving your self a heart attack ,
3 combining classes sounds fine, but it would mean that a number of riders would have to drop a class if they
ride in both the combined classes further reducing old bike participation, If I was to get less rides in the older classes
I would probably bring more newer bikes with me which leads to !!
4 how do you run a day, age old problem of official's ,people who are prepared not to ride so others can, this is the biggy, structuring classes so everybody gets a fare amount of track time and does there fare share of allowing that to happen for others.
"Looking at the stats, those smaller percentage of riders had to cover the same amount of work that the larger percentage of riders did to run the days racing ?" ( same amount of work ,less people to share the load)
The other thing that those statistics don't show are what classes have the most regular riders, those that do most events. The later classes have, over the year a greater number of participants but lots of those have only done one or two events through out the year .
another interesting point is that over the last few years the majority of committee members have been Pre 78 riders
so when the work needs doing on the day the first to drop out of racing has been the committee members hence less pre78 bikes on the grid
so no real answers from me just points to consider,
using tracks that are official friendly
running combined classes as we did at Clarence with 2 all in pre75 races and 2 all in pre 78 races seemed to work and the scoring can be jigged to work but we needed junior races in between each senior race to swap bikes and get back to the line
Maybe we would have to rework the day so we have Pre Evo rather than pre78, then pre85/90
a work in progress.