my blood sugar level have come down now from 30 to 8 which is a great improvement they go up a bit during the day but the tablets seem to be working im off to the the endocrinoligist shortly and i hope with a bit off time it will get even better .ive stopped eating any crap and no sugar ,so things are looking up
my daughter with retts syndrome has finally has finially been accepted into a very nice ,well staffed CRU so if i drop off the perch ,i dont have to worry ,how she will be looked after, she now has her own place for the rest off her life now. all we have to do is worry about my partner brain tumour ,we have a appointment with the neurosurgeon in two weeks and then the real battle begins . the gavity off the situation has not really hit home yet but we will know more in a few weeks bad things do come in three;s or more