interesting thought JC and I remember over in the west, around '76ish, 2 average guys
(1 was Ray Ryan can't remember the other off the top) well they built up a CR360 (I think, could of been a 380) using the same stroked overbore principle and a CR250 bottom end. It went like the proverbial powers of piss (weird saying that one!
) but it did have some issues due to the increased HP. If one had the time, money, know how, equipment and inclination it could be a worthwhile proposition for the TM250. A TM325 (but stroked and preferably 360ish) in the pre'75 open as opposed to the TM400 widowmaker could be just the ticket
a ticket to what I don't know but she'd be very different
RL325 parts catalogue here I mentoned to Leith already but notice they also have 2 flywheel weights. 1 either side of the crank. Std flywheel magneto on left but also the disc in behind the primary drive gear on the right. Loads of other differences too...