Hi LWC. why wont it meet MA rules?
Its not a copy of the original swingarm.
I'm ordering a Novation Swingarm, but, but fitted, it cannot be used at the nationals at cannondale, because it it is not a true representation of the original part.
Now, thats is not the same for all parts, but definetaly for major frame parts.
That trick Suzuki fits right into evo rules but would never pas for pre 78. The LOP swingarm was from the era and if the arm on that bike is a replica, it's OK.
BJJ has misunderstood what is required. The swingarm
does not have to be a "true representation of the original swingarm".You can use any swingarm (or any mod for that matter) as long as there is a period historic precedence. Just because the technology was available back in the day doesn't cut it for legality either. You need to be able to prove that that particular swingarm design was used during the bikes race period. Magazine articles, dated photos, catalogues and brochures are bulletproof evidence. Novation swingarms that aren't replicas of a period product aren't legal in my opinion.
I made a new years resolution with myself that I wasn't going to get involved in the continual rehash of old chestnuts where I'd previously vented my spleen (pre 90 for instance). The alloy swingarm legality thing is in the same boat but I can feel a bit of mis information starting up here so I thought I'd add my 3c worth
