Good morning Montesa people,
I'm just putting together a 63M engine (Cappra 250MX-1972) after replacing the main bearings, and I've noticed that the gudgeon pin has some nasty marks where the thrust washers that go either side of the little end bearing have run on the gudgeon. Actually, they're more than marks- notches really- deep enough to be measured with the verniers, and the gudgeon is .8mm smaller where the notches are ! That seems a bit deep to me, and 'though this engine may never be seriously raced again, it might get hammered sometime, and I imagine that a busted gudgeon could really spoil someone's day.
Anyway I figure that I need a new gudgeon, so my question is, is there anyone in Australia who has any Montesa engine parts these days ? Or else has anyone found another bike that uses a 16mm pin of around the right length ? I have a vague recall that Bultacos also have 16mm pins, but ................ any other ideas ? Incidentally, the original pin is a little over 62mm long.