Went to the NZ round last year and the only difficult thing was I forgot that the racing was held in daylight to suit European TV. To me speedway is night time racing but that's just me. It was all a pretty slick run 2 hour event and that was it.
The locals surrounding the track are responsible for 2017, it will be all over. One bloke up on the hill is a high flying legal type who has refused top shelf,best hotel in Auckland ,what ever it costs ,offers to stay in town whenever racing is on.
As far as coming back here I don't think it will ever happen because of,
Has to be in a major city, Melb or Sydney, better in Melb as they are the best sports fans in the nation.
Must be held in a stadium and even better if there's a roof.
So unfortunately the licence fees to SGP, stadium rent plus all the other costs and the fact that not enough people are interested . It's all about demographics and it's no longer 1965 with massive crowds.
When it was on in Sydney I went with about 12 mates on tickets at $125 each, one bloke had to work so arrived 10 mins till the start. He was a fireman and had a free ticket which were handed to each of the fireman at Lidcombe fire station that afternoon.They had a hard time selling them , it was live on FOX and it was a cold night so the walk up crowd wasn't great.