Hi All,
As part of the deal when I bought an RM400T last year I was given a set of DC plastics, which was brilliant, except when it came time to mount the front guard. Seems the new one that came with the bike is significantly different to the original one which also came on the bike. Differences include that the guard is a different size and the mounting surface is in a different position and angle with the holes being spaced closer together.
Not being able to access any receipts for the plastics I can't contact who sold them to the previous owner so I am assuming that it's a Suzuki guard, just for a different model/capacity.
As I can't use it and it's taking up shed space I'm happy to let it go for the princely sum of $10.00 plus postage. So if you think you know what it bike it is from and want it or even if you don't know what bike it is from and still want it let me know.
Here are some pics of it next to the standard guard.....