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Offline paco

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #105 on: October 02, 2013, 05:10:45 am »
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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #94 on: October 05, 2012, 05:51:57 PM »


I certainly sympathize with other sufferers of Depression. Especially Chronic cases.
Personally, I have been seeing a shrink for about 2 years now, and if I had never done this, I may well have trapped myself into doing something stupid.

If you dont seek help, it will wear you down to the point of not being able to function in society. Even to go an buy some lunch in a shop, becomes a major task.

If people are feeling tired all the time and everything seems to be getting to hard with Insomnia, I would recommend to see a Doctor, because this maybe the start of it.
When people live in misery for to long (years), the Brain starts to shutdown the chemical "Serotonin".
Without Serotonin, I guarantee that no-one will want to know you.

I try to post on this Forum when I am on my good days, otherwise I dont come across to well. Such as the other day, I went back and read something I wrote, and couldnt believe the garbage.

Take it easy................Worth repeating.p
what ! Who me ? Nah

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #106 on: October 02, 2013, 07:58:11 am »
I too have suffered severe depression and have been prescribed anti depressant drugs. I was sort of functional but angry as 10 men. While they did shut my mind up and allow me to get some sleep, they also flattened me. Months of unopened mail, absolutely no enthusiasm for anything and a general total lack lustre. The biggest thing I found was that I lost track of time. Clients would come and ask how their job was going to which I replied but it's only been a week or so, when in reality usually 3-6 months had passed! I then sat down and actually read the side effect chart in the drug schedule & managed to tick most of the boxes. Much to the counselor & doc's disdain I decided to discontinue the drugs. I initially stopped cold turkey and I strongly suggest NOT to do that. I couldn't stand up & was afflicted with severe vertigo from the chemical imbalance in my brain, this happened only a day after stopping the meds. With the doc's help, I wound down over a month and I believe I am now better off for it. I am far from "cured" but now have my full faculties back and am moving forward to the point I now sort of look to the future. My pure anger has subsided but I retain much contempt for the Australian "system" which is a joke unless you're one of the elite. So while the meds did play an important part in my case I believe they are not the be all end all. This is my experience & no doubt differs from others. Just saying anyone suffering with depression should constantly be assessing things on a regular basis.

Offline FourstrokeForever

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #107 on: October 02, 2013, 09:18:59 am »
The best cure keep on riding,racing and restoring whatever era bikes and be mad bastards LOL :-)Richard. idle mind is a perfect mixing bowl for bad ju ju. Avoiding black dog attacks can be pretty damn difficult but by keeping your mind on the positive and your hands on your projects the pain can be greatly softened. The shed and a Sidchrome in hand are the best dog repellent I know.

Spot on Mark. An idle mind is the devils playground as my dear old Nan used to say. It's not easy keeping the mind on track to be positive but having those Sidchromes in hand working away is, as you say, an excellent dog repellent.


I've been down the road of trying life without my medication. I really detested the fact of having to rely on chemicals to keep on functioning. The reality was though, I kept on going back to the dark side, which I positively hated. I hear everything you say about the side effects of some of the medications they prescribe. The key is, not all the meds fit every person. It's taken a good 2 years of trial and error to find a medication for me that doesn't induce some very uncomfortable side effect or another. For me, the tablets are the lessor of two evils. I don't ever want to go back to being as agro and confused as I once was. It's a wonder I didn't end up in gaol or a psych unit bouncing off walls in a little white suit.
Unfortunately,  it seems that with acquired brain injuries getting the chemical balance back in the brain without drugs is not going to happen so I'm resigned to having tablets every morning for the rest of my days. It's ok, I just treat it as another multi vitamin.
Yep, the Aussie system is a joke. Well, it would be a joke if it wasn't so serious. It seems if you're a single white Australian male in this country, you aint worth much! But, do yourself a favour, stay away from the news channels and watch more motorsport! I can't watch the news. The bullshit "they" try to feed us only gets me yelling at the TV  ::)
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Offline firko

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #108 on: October 02, 2013, 10:46:06 am »
One of the first hurdles is to admit to yourself that you're depressed and to seek help. If the warning signs BigK spell out describe where you are at the moment it'd be a good idea to have a chat to your doctor or call Beyond Blue or Lifeline.

Right now a few of us are dealing with a mate who's going through what appears to be a very black period. He's always grumpy, has pulled away from most interaction with his mates, avoids social events, race meetings and even visiting his mum and blames others for not reminding him. His only interest is work and that's to the point of's all he talks about. He hasn't been in the shed for months or ridden his bikes in a couple of years and would rather surf facebook or Twitter on his phone than have a face to face conversation. We've tried to help him but he's in denial, reacting defensively if anyone suggests that he needs to chill "I'm All right, fluck off and mind your own business". Ironically when I was going through my own meltdown last year, he was my main 'go to' guy and was pretty quick to tell my what I needed to do . By nature he's a control freak who likes to be the decision maker which doesn't help him in accepting advice or seeking help.

This has been pretty upsetting for me seeing a mate of 55 years cut himself off from his friends to the point of pissing nearly everyone off. I've run out of ideas.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 10:49:52 am by firko »
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Offline Big Bird

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #109 on: October 02, 2013, 10:51:21 am »
I cannot say how encouraging it is to find this thread.  To be honest, when I saw the title, I thought it might have been a play on words about life after a beloved IT Yamaha or Bultaco or something.  Glad to see such mental health issues being openly and sensitively discussed.

Medication is a part of my daily life too.  My own affliction is a brain that no longer produces dopamine, one of the "feelgood' neurotransmitters like serotonin.  I share similar misgivings about our medical system, particularly about the scourge of "career" doctors - those who become doctors because they won the high school gradings farce rather than having a particular aptitude or care for medicine.  After many years I have finally found a GP who is actually interested in me - my genetic profile, my blood test results, my diet etc. - and is willing to experiment and monitor rather than just perform the standard "faux care / write prescription / charge fee / repeat as many times as you can in a day" process as is found in most clinics.

My own small contributions:

Diet is paramount.  The chemical building blocks we need to heal ourselves and operate effectively and come from our diet.  I feel much better when I get some good fresh juices and some quality proteins and vegetables into me.  Lots of brightly coloured vegetables / anti-oxidants / leafy greens etc.  Insert favourite cliché about running your bike on Motul vs running it on old chip oil...

Take charge of your own health.  You live with your body, your doctor is just a mechanic who gives it a once over every now and then.  If your own mental model revolves around the doctor being the expert, then your body will only get the occasional once over when the doctor can spare some attention and you can afford to visit him.  If you take some time to learn about your condition and how your body works as a whole, you are in a much better position to monitor your condition between visits, and to intelligently discuss what works for you when you do see him/her. 

Plenty of good info out there on the interweb.  Plenty of crappe too.  Think reputable sources...

Hope the above is a worthy contribution.  Very worthwhile thread.



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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #110 on: October 02, 2013, 11:44:27 am »
some good stuff and good to see people talking about the Black dog. It is not a practice run,you get 1 shot at life,so if you can get help and enjoy life ,that should be top of your bucket list.
Once you go black  you will never go back - allblacks
Maico - B44 -1976 CR250- 66 Mustang YZF450,RM250
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Offline FourstrokeForever

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #111 on: October 02, 2013, 05:39:17 pm »

If someone is in denial as you describe your old mate, there isn't much you can do, apart from being there for him when/if the proverbial hits the fan. It's hard for anyone to admit that something ain't quite right between their ears. Hopefully your mate will recognise that he isn't his usual self and will seek help. Until then, all you can do as a mate is grin and do your best to stay positive whenever he's around.
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Offline Tim754

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #112 on: October 02, 2013, 07:52:34 pm »
The weirdo that started this thread is here, feeling pleased and well enriched that others are sharing their being. I have the evil black mongrel chained up and locked in the kennel. Honestly hope all here your friends and family can corral the beast. yours Tim754 
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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #113 on: October 02, 2013, 08:04:29 pm »
I had a similar "moment" on a ride a few years ago when the topic of prostate cancer and testing broke through... (the support truck was lost ok !!) out of 15 guys over 30, only 4 had been tested or even thought it was an issue. a couple of guys had scares and the rest suddenly understood that this wasn't playschool anymore.... at least 5 guys were adamant no doctor was gunna poke his finger where the sun don't shine .. until the reality of it hit them :o I mean fr Christ sake there is a blood test now b4 any physical groping...when I said I asked the doc to kiss me before he slid his ..... just kidding!!!!

life can be serious and no one BUT no one gets out alive! the journey is one of the best you will take...depending on the road you travel!

Offline Rookie#1

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #114 on: October 02, 2013, 08:11:48 pm »
Any bike minded blokes who feel they don't have any or enough of "their own" kinda people to chat with about these issues could most certainly benefit from becoming involved in this great group/cause
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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #115 on: October 02, 2013, 09:05:58 pm »
I really hope Wally has found a way to move on from the loss of his Black Dog.

Offline FourstrokeForever

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #116 on: October 03, 2013, 09:12:45 am »
Thanks for the link Rookie. I did have a squiz. I did hear about the cause on the radio but forgot the name of the website. Shame I had to sell my R1200GS or I'd be right up for the ride around Australia they're organising.
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Offline shelpi

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Re: Beyond Blue
« Reply #117 on: October 03, 2013, 10:06:03 am »
Good onya fella's ;) lost a couple of mates to the black dog