I have a mate who wants to sell a couple of his toys.
1. 1977 Maico AW400, race restored, everything new or refurbished, new PFR pipe, new works shocks, new Bing carb, new alloy bars, engine completely overhauled except rod which was fine, new plastics, decals, cables, seat cover etc. The bike has not been ridden except for a quick test. It is a beautiful thing. $6500
2. 1975 Honda CR125M1, race restored pretty much as above with Circle F pipe, Ikon shocks, engine overhaul etc. This particular bike won the intermediate VCM all powers class a few years ago. It is also a beautiful thing. $4500.
Both bike are extremely good value & priced for a quick sale.
Send a PM with your email for photo's & details.