Seat cover is on its way, i must either be losing the plot when shopping on ebay or there just isnt one, but the ER185 i have is a 90 model, and all the cables etc on ebay are for a lot earlier bikes, anyone of you lads know if they are the same right through the year models?
Also a bit confused as i always thought ER and TS were 2 totally different models, but the one i have just taken possesion of has ER on the seat and rego, but has TS on the engine and frame......
Geoffro I think the main change happened in or about !977(reed valve)
I think by 1980/81 they were all the same plastics from then on etc.
just different grahpics etc. but the same basic bike.
In some countries they were called TS,,,,
Allthough we know them as ER they are they same, even your serial numbers begin with TS Geoffro,, Cheers.