Author Topic: Motorcycle contact over a lifetime.  (Read 4236 times)

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Offline pancho

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Re: Motorcycle contact over a lifetime.
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2011, 05:47:10 pm »
 My first piece of motorcycle machinery was a '52 500 single ajay, 'jampot' swing arm. It cost 65 Quid. with all of 26 HP. The thing felt like it was bending in the middle on corners with bumps which I thought was odd because the rear end was very solidly built, but when I looked at the top bar it looked like a piece of rubber garden hose and was probably not much more rigid. At the same time my bro' got hold of a '49 model Matcho with the 'pencil' units.
 As we were both apprentice mechs at the same place on Silverwater rd Auburn, we travelled in mini convoy each morning.
 Bro was a more aggressive rider/petrol head than I and always led the way. His first race ride at Vineyards saw him a place getter.
 However one morning I decided it was time I led, so I took off out of Villawood with him in pursuit. When I got to work He wasn't behind me so I rode back home and to cut a story short he'd had a head on with an FJ cab.
 He was at St Joeys  hospital Auburn Were they just left him alone overnight as they did in those days and as he survived till next day they sent him off to Royal Nth Shore were they carried out repairs.
 That finished his motorcycle competition but he moved on to car racing were he was a very competitive privateer.
 My next sikle was a 2nd hand T110 1954, the first model, it came standard with 'fuel carby float bowl' top feed, Lucas race magneto, high comp cast iron head, [8.5:1] to high for 68 octane petrol! and 42 HP real hp not ponies. Went great. Useless brakes!
 The local servo owner raced a car and would sell BP W out of a 44 which which I could let it idle without it sounding like a bucket of bolts!
 That went in favour of an MG TF and a temporary female.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 10:49:15 am by pancho »
dont follow me i'm probably off line!