Hi Adam
I posted this on the other thread but ......
"After searching for Plasti-Kote Woodstove as recommended by Adam and told it is no longer being brought into Australia I discovered it is made by a company called Valspar who are the parent company of Wattyl paints. I do a lot of work for the very good people at Wattyl and I was in a marketing meeting yesterday and casually asked the question about Plasti-Kote Woodstove and was told that yes it was deleted BUT they are about to launch a new range of Killrust heat resistant paints in August and whilst they could not put their hand on their hearts and say it was the same formula they threw me a can of the new Killrust Woodstove to try!!"
The brake plates, crank cases and covers have all come up fantastic. I etch primed them, 2 light coats and one a bit more heavier and cured for 1 hour and I am really happy with the finish, a real soft satin black and they look to be a lot more durable than the VHT, thanks for the advice and when Killrust Woodstove is released in August I can highly recommend it