Author Topic: Is this why we all ride (a bit) slower  (Read 693 times)

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Is this why we all ride (a bit) slower
« on: January 12, 2011, 08:12:32 pm »
An interesting article on the ABC website, "Why teens have no fear"  may give an insight to why we all ride (on average) a little less slower than when we were all young.
And a little bit faster than those who never rode in their teens.....


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Re: Is this why we all ride (a bit) slower
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 09:38:31 pm »
Yeah, teenagers have to go through a phase when they question authority, yours and societies, too. Remends me of the guy, who at his twenty first stood up and said "when I was 16 I used to think my dad didn't know anything. He's learned a lot in the last five years".

I think it's all related to risk seeking behaviour. Whenever you get cornered by some train spotter who berates you for having a dangerous hobby ("drain on the health care system, totally irresponsible" etc) remind them that if some of us didn't take risks we'd still be living in caves.


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Re: Is this why we all ride (a bit) slower
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 09:48:03 pm »
...and here I was thinking teens had no fear cause they had no brains ::)

I know it took me till I was about 24-25 before any sort of self preservation mechanism kicked in and even then it was sporadic and a little spasmodic :D