I shamelessly stole this from the Yahoo group Vinduro

http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/vinduro/But I thought I would share it with you

The article really strikes a cord with me, it captures what to me was the spirit of the time; the modified trail bike.
In this day and age most young punters take a bike off the show room floor, kick it over and roost off into the distance. Today bikes are modified more as a fashion statement and/or as a display of wealth rather than any crying need.
'Back in the day' trail bikes that were designed to ride to work and look 'cool' down at Bondi were taken off the show room floor and thoughtfully and effectively modified at home, with hand tools, by young guns educated from building billy carts and guided by the D.I.Y. bike mag articles or info gleaned from the mates at the club.
This article recalls that spirit. From my observations, that spirit has not been captured by the restorers or mags like VMX. You see the pristine resto and the exotic but not the bikes that truly reflect the period.
With the interest in Vinduro's starting in Oz I might suitably amend my RT2 to reflect this spirit.....and then get out there and 'hose you lot off'

This article has reminded me and rekindled the 'Spirit'.