Author Topic: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships  (Read 2339 times)

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Offline Graeme M

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Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« on: February 07, 2008, 08:06:48 PM »
Just wondering if there's any thoughts out there for promoting this event. I am sure the ACT boys would appreciate a few thoughts. The MX champs seem to do pretty well, but the DT Nats at Wagga last year, while a good event, was a bit light on for entries.

Here's my ideas:

Get some flyers together in time for Classic Dirt 5. Make them nice professional flyers with a map and info about the plans for the day.
Maybe have an ACT MCC stand at CD5, with a few vintage DT bikes on display and the said flyers available.
Push it with regular news releases here and maybe in the mainstream motorcycling media.
Circulate information to clubs likely to have interested members.
Get a big sponsor on board.
Get VMX Magazine on board.
Have a reasonable entry fee.
Offer a discount to early entries.
Arrange a professional information pack for interested parties, or for entrants who enter early (eg by a week prior to closing date). Perhaps include some sort of memorabilia? Maybe a T-Shirt? I know budget is a consideration but maybe there are options here for sponsorship?
Make it a two day with a good practice session on Saturday.
Market the event locally, especially pushing the idea of the Saturday practice day as a great opportunity to come out and see the bikes.
Have a display of vintage bikes at the local shopping centres in the months leading up to the event.
Have a 'show and shine' on the Saturday, with trophies, to encourage guys to bring along their garage queens.

More than anything, start NOW to promote it and inform people.

Offline Tim754

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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 08:59:00 PM »
Get on to the clubs and MA Vic that run the Sunday series at Broadford. It is always good to start with the already converted , just like here. Then try the few Speedway Clubs too (SSRAV / Goulburn Valley / Mildura etc in Vic) Amazing how many Old and new Speedway people have older  Dirt Track Sliders that could come out if they feel and are!! invited personally to a real Australian title meeting.
 Please All OzVMX forum members and visitors  , Try like me to promote ALL the motorcycle racing you enjoy. Other wise the end will come to our beloved pass times. "while a good event, was a bit light on for entries." is what Greame said above, next step down on that chain is"  to few to run some/a lot of classes", then gone.... The Dirt track Nats and VMX Nats have gone  missing before then made a hard fought come back. If there is another break in the run I see tragic writings on the wall.  Tim
I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 10:59:45 PM »
Involved the Classic road boys and VJMC; ride and 'show and shine' .


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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 11:11:19 PM »
I couldn't agree more with all of the above. If a meeting isn't promoted properly it'll usually fail. This one won't fail if it's handled right.

Offline elsie 125

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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 11:44:01 PM »
Good thread lads, ACTMCC really want to promote this event, and make it successful, and enjoyable with heaps of practice saturday, weare also looking into T-Shirts and we need to get some flyers happening, Classic dirt is a great idea also, will get started straight away on promo, all ideas and assistance from any V.Dirt Trackers would be greatly appreciated, any CANBERRANS, out there able to lend a hand??

Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2008, 11:20:36 AM »
As fellow web-geeks who handle the VMX website and the ACTMCCwebsite, Graeme and I will do our best to make a coordinated visual splash on each website with regular updates in the lead up to the big event, during it and afterwards.

Offline Freakshow

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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2008, 11:32:28 AM »
If you want interstaters to come, best thing is to hand feed all us lasy fucs, such as plans, details, where to camp or stay, how to finfd the joint, facillities available, whats the deal with food, etc etc.  if we can just turn up we have no excuses, but when you have to plan camping, food if the shops clos @ 4pm, etc it all get a little too easy to not make the extra effort.

Memorabilia is nics, but all the info and support structure is what makes the yeah or nah factor, if we dont have to think about what to bring or where to stay, it would make it easier to say yes.  JMT
74 Yamaha YZ's - 75 Yamaha YZ's
74 Yamaha  flattracker's
70  Jawa 2 valve speedway's

For sale -  PRE 75 Yamaha MX stuff, frame, motors and parts also some YAM DT1,2,A and Suzi TS bikes and stuff

Offline elsie 125

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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2008, 08:29:15 PM »
Thanks for your advice freaky, appreciate your input.
At this stage we are hoping for a 2 day event, with a show and shine sat morning, and an afternoon full of practice commencing at mid day saturday, we will also have camping at the track, and for all the motel, cabin people, Queanbeyan is less than 5 minutes down the road.
We will also be putting on meals at the complex from friday evening through until sunday evening.
ACT Motor Cycle Club also has a licence to sell alcohol from the canteen so there will be plenty refreshments available over the weekend, hope to meet you in canberra in september


Offline Tim754

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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2008, 09:43:01 PM »
Elsie, Send me some posters or sheets or something and I  !!! will !!! get them placed in good spots at the Victorian Classic Speedway titles 1st March. It is at the Broadford Dirttrack arena.  PM me for address please  .Send some to the Viper racers too and get them on show at their start up meeting same day. Freaky needs some  ;) And I have not seen anything on the opening page of OzVMX site or any of the Various MA sites or perhaps I am missing it??? Start to push right NOW my friends.  Look start to treat the meeting like/as a profitable money making circus !! True Most likely your promoting Club will make F.A. this time, but get heaps of bums on bikes and Shock Horror paying spectators to watch and ENJOY the racing, then the flow on will benefit all. Tim 754
I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Offline elsie 125

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Re: Marketing the Aussie DT Championships
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2008, 09:37:21 PM »
ok, thanks Tim for your help, will pm you and send out posters,
We are getting them made up at the moment so hopefully they will be ready to send off early next week. It will be good to be able to push the nats now, so it can be up on competitors come september, and everyone can have a good weekend, with a good practice sat arvo, and some great racing sunday