Percept Mot Skills. 1986 Feb;62(1):107-10.
State-trait anxiety and motocross performance.
DeMojà CA, DeMojà G.
The prediction from state-trait theory that subjects low in anxiety will perform better than highly anxious subjects on a more difficult task was tested on a motocross competition. We analyzed the relationships among the entire rank order of finish and state and trait anxiety measured by State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for 32 motocross riders (males whose age ranged from 16 to 27 yr.) participating in a national competition in Italy. A negative correlation between performance (measured by rank at the finish of the competition) and state anxiety was noted. The r for state and trait anxiety scores was also negative, but that between performance and trait anxiety was nonsignificant. Additional studies of high level sport competition will provide data relevant to planning interventions to control athletes' anxiety.
PMID: 3960649 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Chill brother......
Now we know why a cone is considered performance enhancing....well, it was for Cheech & Chong (and don't ask Who?