Author Topic: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?  (Read 16608 times)

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Offline Tim754

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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2009, 10:10:57 pm »
Hey Dave I got a 1973 TS125 here only missing the headlight , perfect for your project start. $350 ;) Cheers Tim. ( Crass sales pitch I know but to many projects got to rationise :-\)
I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2009, 10:45:45 pm »
Jeez....When I had a shot at Michaels punctuation I got hammered by Freaky and someone else for picking on him. You guys are absolutely right though.
Come on Michael, as I said on the other thread, you're a great kid but you need to get your punctuation in order for us to read your posts. A forum post isn't a text.
Dont blame the Kid , its the bloody PC School system these days
So true. I'm gobsmacked by the illiteracy of today's generation. My goddaughter is working in America and her emails to me are something you'd expect from a 10 year old, not a tertiary educated 23 year old. She's far from stupid but has got into lazy "texting" lingo for everything. As a lover of the English language it pisses me off that educaters and the kids themselves don't give a shit. Ask an 18 year old what the last book he or she read and unless it's Harry Potter or Twilight, they'll look at you blankly.
Listen Firko & friends, I am an Educator at the primary level and we do f^#*k teach the basics, when the f^%#$k bureaucrats and politicians decide to let us!!!! In fact that's what I want more than anything else except that I spend most of my time dealing with rotten kids who's parents don't give a f*(&k! Either they aren't interested or they're down the pub or elsewhere! Or they'd rather buy a packet of smokes than pay for a $10 bus fare to go on an excursion to the Art Gallery to see the Picasso collection! I spent most of my life outside of the teaching system and find it strange that some people who don't understand or know anything about schools are more than prepared to put the knife in. I love teaching kids and making a difference some of them have such f*&^ked up lives, so give us a break.

I thought Teachers got plenty of breaks  ??? Smokos, lunch breaks, Half terms , Full terms, All public holidays , Easter break, christmas break, Annual leave. Have I missed any  ;) ;D ;D ;D

Offline ss2fly

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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #47 on: August 01, 2009, 10:58:39 pm »
Teacher only days........


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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #48 on: August 01, 2009, 11:04:04 pm »
The last thing this thread needs then is a pommie reminding anyone that 'Educater' actually spelt e..d..u..c..a..t..O..r.

Who's a pom? Not me, I was born in Paddington  N.S.W. Jeez I make one typo and you give me a serve ::) My spellings a hell of a lot better than most so there's no need to give me spelling lessons matey. It was a simple bloody typo.
Listen Firko & friends, I am an Educator at the primary level and we do f^#*k teach the basics, when the f^%#$k bureaucrats and politicians decide to let us
The bottom line is that the kids are not learning the art of communication.  I edit asignments and essays for uni students and I'm really disturbed by the atrocious spelling, lack of punctuation and inability to articulate a point from these kids that have obviously recieved a high enough pass to get into university. I was nothing special at school, left at the age of 14 and worked with my hands my whole life yet here I am advising them on how to write an essay. There's something mighty wrong with the system. I apologise for singling educators as the bad guys behind this, I should have blamed the system. I have a couple of friends who are teachers and they're in love with what they do but like you are frustrated by a system that's more interested in political correctness than education. Another friend was the headmaster of a primary school who was continually being carpeted because he took the time to give some students extra after school lessons. In the end he left in frustration and started a gym. He's still bitter and he totally agrees with what I say.   
Ok I will try and write things up a bit better
Michael, I'm sorry to single you out mate but your posts were getting a tad hard to understand. Like I've said all along, you're a good young bloke who seems to genuinely love the old bikes which in this day and age is a rare thing. Your latest post is a great and shows what a difference a bit of punctuation can make.

Offline Lozza

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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #49 on: August 01, 2009, 11:05:45 pm »
Unlike  tow truck operators who are undoubtedly the backbone of the nation eh Bill . Seeing your such a shy retiring type I bet you never gave teachers a hard time at school either;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
What is this thread about anyway ???
Jesus only loves two strokes


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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2009, 11:33:17 pm »
Loz dont bag the Towies  :o you know were sensitive shy retiring PC types  ;D

Offline frostype400

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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2009, 12:14:07 am »
The thread was about ts125 to tm125. I don't know how tow truck drivers got involved but we definetly need them if you haven't had to use one you have been lucky. I think teaching would be a hard job too no doubt. Firko I'm not worried about being singled out I understand some of my posts may have been a bit rough and hard to understand. If any one wants to sell me a tm400 that would be good and I would be happy with just a motor and frame thanks Michael.
1971 tm400 and PE's


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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #52 on: August 02, 2009, 08:19:17 am »
I'll give it to you Frosty .....your persistant  ;D


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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2009, 08:53:08 am »
you're persistant oldfart not your. jeez!! ::)


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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #54 on: August 02, 2009, 09:42:36 am »
Hey,   I went to school to eat my lunch and look at the girls.     "so put that up you'r pipe and smoke it "  ;D
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 09:45:01 am by oldfart »


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Re: Convert a TS125 to TM125 is it worth it?
« Reply #55 on: August 02, 2009, 10:35:30 am »
put that up you'r pipe and smoke it

last thing I stuck up a pipe was a spud in my tech drawing teachers mini ;D it was meant to go off with a bang but instead it blew the seam on the muffler :o run Forrest RUN!! :-X