Author Topic: 77 RM250  (Read 13251 times)

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Offline evo550

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2009, 09:15:56 am »
Why is doc a "Guest" ??? ??? ???


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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2009, 10:09:47 am »

Anyways - who spells Mark with a "c"? Either parents who were hoping for a poof or the French (cheese eating surrender monkeys)...


Unfortunately both my parents have passed recently , so I am not really in a position to ask them.


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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2009, 10:39:15 am »
Jesus Marc, if you're going to have ago at someone at least get the punctuation right. This is tame for me - Rossco can vouch for that.

All a guy wants is a little help and it turns into a f@cking cock out session so far from the topic it's laughable.

Anyways - who spells Mark with a "c"? Either parents who were hoping for a poof or the French (cheese eating surrender monkeys)...

This is the type of rude, intolerant crap that's driving people away from this forum like rats off a sinking ship. Who in the hell do you think you are you are Rudy? Evo asked why Doc is a guest, well he's resigned from the forum. That follows Walter YSS last week and others. I'll be joining them in a minute. It's true what one regular forum contributer told me just yesterday. This forum has becom an asylum for wankers, wannabes and bullshitters. The fair duinkum contributers are contributing less and less because of trumped up imported tossers like Rudy and other notables. Don't take it seriously Marc (my grandson has the same spelling).
I'm outta here.

Evil Rudy

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2009, 11:16:38 am »
Ok I’m as light as helium... but I do have a bad attitude for the most part.

...and an acerbic wit (that’s not Acerbis – they make fenders).

...I don’t hide behind any nomenclature, all the Heaven guys know who I am – Mark Drinkwalter, and I’m a big enough boy to take my licks when I upset someone. I like hugs too.

When and if you meet me, as imported as I may be, you realise that I don’t toss and have never played the trumpet. Anyhoo I’m as Australian as Ampol now.

What a social experiment. I guess the written word is still too harsh without the inflection of the spoken word.

Growing up in NY near the Canadian border I’ve always been jealous of the Marc’s I’ve met because they were all French Canadian. Now those people can really piss you off. Imagine the arrogance of the French coupled with being angry because they got left behind 300 years ago... I would have fit in so well.

But the mom and dad thing... come on Marc, there just nowhere to come back from that – bad cricket I guess.

Seriously thanks for the help.



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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2009, 11:21:14 am »
This is so sad. Who is this Evil Rudy guy any way? I'm only a part timer on this forum but I've been lurking since before the Turks hijacked the old forum. In that time I've seen a lot of great posts from extremely knowledgable people. Lately however I've watched the forum turn into a wankfest and many of the older, long term members severely cut back their contributions. The forum vibe has seriously deteriorated and the fact that Doc, one of the forums more interesting and knowledgable long termers and Walter, one of the smartest suspension guys in the business have both upped anchor is a sign that the lunatics are indeed taking over. My old racing mate Yamaboy is another long termer who has been around the sport since day one who's obviously had enough . I'm certain more will follow.
Rudys rudeness is a classic example of the fading content that needs to be adressed pronto. My main problem is peoples intolerance of others interests. I'm so tired of reading what pieces of crap Maico/Yamaha/Honda/Montesa or whatever are. What possesses someone to take the time to post that he thinks that a particular bike is a piece of shit. Who cares? We're all in this sport because we love old bikes but the intolerance towards other peoples likes is sometimes bordering on "mechanical racism" as old Firko one wrote somewhere.


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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2009, 11:39:13 am »

Growing up in NY near the Canadian border I’ve always been jealous of the Marc’s I’ve met because they were all French Canadian. Now those people can really piss you off. Imagine the arrogance of the French coupled with being angry because they got left behind 300 years ago... I would have fit in so well.

 ;D I am married to one  ;D too funny.

Anyway Mark, good luck with your RM370 hope you get it sorted out.

Evil Rudy

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2009, 11:42:03 am »
Anyway is one word.

... and i love Montesas. I just to say the word Montesa.

Try it in a Tony Montana voice. "Say hello to my little Motessa".


Evil Rudy

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2009, 11:45:00 am »
When they voted to seceed from Canada - they missed by .1% of the vote. Had they been sucessful I would have emigrated there.

Sadly they lost and I ended up in Australia. Four years of High School French classes waisted.



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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2009, 11:52:31 am »
That's wasted, there's no i. Nice to be popular Rudy ol' mate, back from holidays I see. How you been?

Evil Rudy

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2009, 12:06:42 pm »
I hate Bill Gates.

He’s been spelling for me for so long that when I go it alone just once I step on my Johnson. I am sadly part of the decline of western civilisation.

The break was nice. I’m trying to make new friends as part of my new year’s resolution. It doesn’t seem to be going so well.

Are you coming out to play in Heaven this year? It would be an honour to be lapped by you... and might I add, to have a conversation with soemone who isn't wearing comfortable shoes - when do you and Firko have board meetings?


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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2009, 01:17:56 pm »
The next board meeting will be next week I'm hoping, I've just got to check with Chairman Firko. We would be glad to have you along to cleanse you of your sins. It would go something like this " Hi, I'm Rudy, and I seem to have trouble making new friends", why are people so unkind?

As for racing this year, I'll do a few but there's no way I can commit to 9 meetings, maybe I'll do 5 or six. With CD6 and the Nationals I'm booked out I reckon. You?.

Now, be nice young man OK!!!!

Evil Rudy

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2009, 01:30:36 pm »
Drop me a line when you know when and where.

"Hi I'm Rudy, and antagonistic prick who hates poor grammar, illogical arguments, posts that drift off into oblivion, and long walks at sunset".

The potential is there to go to something every month; however the minister for finance is building a new house this year so we’ll see. I won’t do all rounds as some tracks shit me. Plus I want to Vinduro with Tu-Pac a couple of times as well.

I’m considering CD6. What plans have you? I have extremely large Spinter Van and company gas card.

Offline bigk

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2009, 01:32:12 pm »
For those of you who know Rudy, you may be able to forgive him for his demeanor on this forum, which is poor at best  :-\. For me and probably a lot of others, I wish he'd make is final post real soon.


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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2009, 02:12:35 pm »
I'm with Big K. Rudy, you may be Mother Teresas brother in law and be the life of every party but going by your attitude and smarmy "apologies" you come accross as a grade one tosser. What a forking gooose you've shown yourself to be.

Evil Rudy

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Re: 77 RM250
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2009, 02:18:43 pm »
When did I apologise?

Now we have an illiterate on the thread.

I get wise with some people for not sticking to the subject and that’s bad... agreed in principal.

You call someone out using profanity and you’re doing it out of benevolence for others?


... and calling me a goose is the second nicest thing someone said to me today.