Thanks for the replies, the Express clear is a 2-pack paint. (4:1 clear & hardener - no thinners) recomended by the paint shop to save the acrylic silver colour from petrol as you say. Was mainly concerned that the clear may affect the stickers, like affecting their adhesion and/or curling them up or some other disaster! I gather you can't clean the stickers either with Prepsol or the like (without also cleaning off the printing of the sticker)
Sounds like the light mist coat first is the go, so here's hoping!
The Honda wing stickers are actually the genuine article from the mid-70's. I've had them sitting in a folder with a heap of other stickers just waiting for the day to use 'em....only taken around 30years to get to it.
Couldn't see myself paying $130 odd bucks for the correct XL250 decals and probably destroying them first time out, so they'll have to do.
Even found an old Maico "M" sticker but I only had the one.